
From Michaël Trahé

From Michaël Trahé

I am The Being of the Violet Fire!

I am the Purity God Desires

To the Line of Nenad M. Djurdjevic


V- 22…

Calgary 22..

Time 22..

Sacred Portal 22… And 1 22…

Double V… V.V.i.e.

This was Posted 7 hours ago…

7 links the play of Violent…

I link the Purple.. Yolanda Bakwena, Yolanda Houston Palma and the VV…

Nenad the Victory of the People Nikolas

Nikolas Tesla… Tess La!…

Test is La!

Sixth Sense…

Linked now to the Trahe… Vetments.. the Dress the Appariel.. The Suit.. the Rainment.. The Body….

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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