
From Michael Trahe…

From Michael Trahe…

From Michael Trahe…

I read this.. and the first thing I thought was

Man there are magazines and journals out there

and even publishers out there would I should have been writing for..

Earning at least an income…

That how deeply I have been affected by what has been done rto my Comfort, my Right and my Self Worth….

But I read it also knowing that it was written for the same Reason

I began writing to the Silence..

And when in 1993 I was made to read what I had written..

I swore that I would not let anyone live in the Silence as deeply as I had…

23 24 years later…

I am kind of Done…

Because I have done all that and much more… and at such a cost to my own Existence and Life

Even Solving the Riddles of Existence in the Consciousness of the E..

5th Dimension…- which is the only way thy can be solved…

And then translated into the 3D Consciousness.. 3 D… C.D.C…

in Clarity from 1-7…

And Now to 8…

5 +3=8…

Room 5A.. Bed 5019…5.19 … 24… 6… F

Room 3A.. Bed 3002.. 32… 5… E

Room 4B…Bed 4016….56………….11…K… 1+1=2..11=1… 21..3… B.A..C.K..

So that the indention on All children born hereafter will have a very different experience, they will have the total intel and language Expression Blue Print of True Existence…

And never have to feel so Alone and trapped in the Garden of Solitude and talk only to the Silence.. Ones only Friend..

Whom I activated from Silence Stillness, Sensation Song to Sound Sight Symmetry Satisfaction… Sao…

Steven Emeka.

Stephan Emeka… Paris to New York…and back to P.A..R.I.S..E…


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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