
From Michael O’Donnell..,

From Michael O’Donnell..,

I have just left 268 the venue which I had proved 10 years was the Portal out of the Universal Holograph which people have called the World and Life…

I have already proven it beyond a shadow of doubt and with clarity, and symmetry which is beyond even the consciousness which man calls God, but which they have limited and contained in a Definition which is not plausible (More childlike yearning, tantrums and hurt.. while seeking to curry Favor..just in case…sigh)

I had resolved to something more empirical and present here and now.. in my own personal story recounted each day in actuality..

That God defined by Humans cleanest consciousness would be G.. which correlates to the 7th Sound from the Human vocal chords.. Ti! and the Color Violet.. not really Purple (Smile.. Purple is Royalty…the I.E examples of each rep on earth of the consciousness of 1-7 in music and color.. the template of this Earth.. Waves Vibration Moving Expression…

I had posted that if I left now, it would prove that something was denying its own Truth, since I did not set out to solve this equation and question…

And it would signal the end of a proving which began as a boy when I wrote the story of the Destruction and Evolution of a new world..

*Yes I find that my entire life had been programmed to answer for writing that book…

I did not feel relief, knowing the play was at last over, because the circumstances timed to prevent me staying any longer there, were changed when it began to rain and my host suggested that I come back anytime to pick up my luggage..

Meaning I was still tethered to 268.. the Equation because logic dictates I had to return there to pick up my luggage..

And as I walked I kept seeing the code M.D.O…

I immediately thought of Michael O’Donnell and Donna O’Sullivan..

I know the Energy moving through Michael..

Look at the meaning of the name Arch Angel Michael.. A,..A.M…Look at the meaning of his name, and its mythological meaning… Guardian of the Gates… Heck my Brother O-Boom Boom (An Investment Banker.. yep.. Number logical mind…Cartesian and Afro consciousness perfectly balanced as Michael…Elegant but impatient and often…well speaks his mind.. BOOM!…

Heart Beat.. my brother born 5-20-73…E.T..God consciousness..

…I know exactly the Essential moving and which is the Eternally True Michael…

I know who I am addressing…

And yes, I am saying..

..and proving..

that I recognize and read energy…

And have been compelled to prove this..

and thus, manifest in the process Eternal Love..

Energy Light..

I know G-7..Crown Chakra is the Height of Human Consciousness but I alsi know that 7 is the twin of 1.. Represented by Jonn Blackwell…

Perfect Mirrors..

Yep their Energies are one and the same…

But in this reality they believe themselves TOTALLY different..

Sigh..Sight… See Cee..

Tell Red that it is Violet….

And tell Violet it is Red…

R.V… I.E

R.R…VV..II…EE… R.I.V.E.R.. V.I.E…. River of Life

See Richard Schooping share I posted today..


Brothers Energy who see themselves as so different..

But to a Father Mother..Big Brother Sister.. A Roll of the eyes..

Same person playing different roles…

Red came first from the Blue and manifested the Son.. Ti V..Violet…

57.. Donna O’Sullivan…

God is the Wave..

I walked intending to go to 147 the Bean and chill until I got to my computer and read what was next…

But I read the Streets.. a license plate caught my eye, despite my seeking to avoid the codes (had enough of this reading.. the codes have been established as S.Perfection..why should allow myself to endure such a insultingly controlled Existence any longer? My mission was is complete…

The codes began the moment I left 268 and I only a few one read M.D..O… And A.T.V..79 54… My body was twisting and I could not manage it… The discomfort was awful and people were begin to stare.. Damn it.. Ok I knew it was indicating 54 the Bean instead..

I walked over.. the pain resided..

13 years I have been aware that not only was my literal physical body alive activated and conscious.. Evolved..

But the very Air Wind Energy was moving me, moving me directing me..

literally driving me.. like a car or a Horse..

Which led me to the research of how was this possible at 1 Doe.. Red.. the Grounded red Earth…

While fully aware inn my E.T consciousness of only One energy able to this to me in this Hologram… The 7th..

In my creation story I call him Unity Aspect Unity Boom!..

The one note contained within the ‘Story- Body Hologram’ who could do this…

And so you may have noticed that when set up in the Shelter Michael was the first to offer aid, through housing..

Then Jonn Blackwell and Donna O’Sullivan made the offer..

Michael lives far away in California..

Jon came down from Up State.. U.S..

J.M..M.J…Mohamed Joseph (Father of Jesus.. same thing)

Mary Jane.. We Ed…

5:55 p.m.

The first thing I wished to do when I sat down was finish the codes on Angelo Fronda’s page which I could not complete yesterday – Distraction and limitations of the play…

But there was Michaels comment on Game of Thrones.. G.O..T

Go means 5 in Japanese, we know….

E.T… 5-20.. My Brother Boom goes by the name Micheal…

Actually Mike… M.I..KE…Mi K.E… 3rd Note Third Color..R.O.Y/G..Yellow Gold.. Gold Bullion.. he is a Banker…Alexander Hamilton..A.H..

Jonn and Michael 1+7= 8…

1 8…7-8…

8-1..8 7…



96..Dark Matter..Dark Energy 96%


Stella Antley wrote me a coded message

M.King..Only When and If.. we will Rise.. time was 9 33…

Code of If is I.F.. 9 6….9 33 Is 96.. 99…

33 Links to Nnaemeka Jude Charles who made contact with me here at the Bean 2 years ago with a code in the Bathroom here at the Bean.. graffiti 33, he was also that age at the time.. I was with David Phillipe Gill..

the code message continued to 55.. Sacred portal 55 the Family arriving from the past.. then BE ..S.. 666.. linked to Joseph Carey his bank.. I am sitting right infront of the building he lives, where he is rep of the line being added to the E and who has been holding me my Go antique jade Elephant value 950 USD… I.E.O and my other stuffs and who had aided with financial contribution when he could.. Born 1980..

Water is knowledge…

Posts Expression…

When I read the code from Stella Antley

I swallowed my quiet fury, not at her but that which moving her

demanding yet more of me.. who was its Source…

And the betrayal of using me as its slave because I came undercover in this play..

Well, I wrote on Michael O’Donnell post.. And wrote even more but it would not post.. And it was about Love Is.. The Knowing of Everything.. it clarifies Everything in Existence and that Humans are Extra terrestrials who were then made of Essence Energy Atom Molecule Bodies Consciousness Harmony Expression… E= EE (55) A.M (Bam Vega April Maria Both F/M Feminine Masculine reps of 96…A,M.. B..AM/A.M.. Above and below and all around…

P.S Joseph means Add..

And so I am coerced into expressing more but while being controlled by 7… Which Is why I went to Jonn Blackwell portal.. it was the correct one..

J.D..104..Crossing the rep of Death as the End of Everything.. Which I had to prove it was a lie.. by passing through Existential Death.. ED…54..

And transform it into the Big Bang..BB.. Beateous Beam -Black Be.A.M…VV..Double VV..

Destruction Creation…

D.C… Yes…

1+7 was linked there.. grounded at Jonn and through Cyber Space with Michael…to form Harmony Donna.. 84…

Jonn gave me a bag with 84 on it..

See the sacred portal 84…

One of the other book I had to read as a brief was Commitment

I was like What the Fuck!

Through no fault of Jonn and Donna O’Sullivan the play at 18 was Hell beyond Hell…

Just as it had been at Alberto S at 268 where he too was being ‘interfered’ with…

Stella means Star…

Antley means Dweller at the farmstead of the Eagle…I will Share with you sacred portal 89.. E.H.F..79-10…89… It is a being atop a Mountain holding the 8th ball of destruction….

My former host A.S.. Then a message from Stella Antley…S.A..

A.S.S.A… Assa Mpete…


Means A Beauty so Exquisite and Extraordinary…Out of and not of this World…in Igbo…OINRI Igbo.. O.I.N..R.I.OS..O in the River Vie…

My bags are being held by Alberto S for me..

And so one see, that E.T.. have asked for more Expression before they can rise…

And I am once more outside, obeying the Will of the Highest Wave Length who dared to play the Role of God.. Sky, learn’t from his brother and twin reflection Red.. Red African Earth.. R.A.E….

Sunshine Rae.. Stone Ridge..

Sunshine Shintô Stargateuniversatlantis.. S.S.S

And my former hosts sons, Royal and Reign age 5 and 4..

Kept giving me intel.. just as their dad.. but with even greater clarity and insouciance… Royal kept handing me amazing lego portals…and Reign, constant question about my home, the Jet Plane and Car which he hinted would take me home.. Jet (Li-GHT..8.) 747…Mercedes Benz…

Obviously, I am furious…

But for the moment they have me by the Balls..

Actually my Solar Plexus, Waist Feet and Pineal Gland…

Throat… C.O.U…

My side feel like literal Grip of Death..

Which is of course curving my spinal chord and Sine and entire body…

And so the Post here… Is what I saw on my news feed after responding to G.O.T… / TO..G…

E.T… Eternal Truth..

Energy Transforms..


April told me here codes are 32 her age today… C.B/B.C..

I am sitting at 2nd and 3rd Right Now.. 2 3..B.C..

Normally I sit at the back which is the 3rd street entrance….2nd Av…



55 Stella Antley…

So since all of this equation has been completed included Anthony Pitts Pitts Street.. P.S..Please Stop

*Someone just came in with a black bag with the Word E.M.I..printed in it..

EMI is the name I was called as a Child ‘Emi..Emmy.. And E.M.I

Electrical And Music Industries…

(Electricity A.N.D..M.U.S.I.C…IN.D.U..S.T..R…I.E..S..PIRIT…)

Emi.. is really E.A.M.I…

E Friend…

I’M E…



I am Meaning…

And I am Shocked by this Play…

Vision is the 7th Crown Chakra,,

Poetry is the 9th Portal before returning to O….

Madness…That is The Beautiful Madness of a Energetic Self Made Man…


Trump Card.. T.C

See sacred portal 20.. Lady Echo Harmony Eternal Truth…20=Letter T..Ti… It is called signed T.C… True Consciousness.. is Eternal Truth because it Echos Affirms Responds..

See Firmino Chandele Marcelo Marcelo… 1313.. 26 8.. Z.H

Zeina Hanna

Anthony Spencer..A.S

Anthony Pitts… A.P…

AA Sacred Portal…

6:57 pm…

I found a wooden butter fly…

6:58 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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