
From Michael O’Donnell

From Michael O’Donnell

Conflict Transformation…

C.T…Consciousness =Truth..

3 2O…23..W (VV)


Witnessing todays posts and the last 5 months of public conversation with Michael O’Donnell…

I have the strong impression that not only are we aligned but that he literally, truly understands what I am saying as I weave..

There have been very few people whom I have met, who truly understand what I have been saying over and over again since I was an 8 year old boy…

(except for those who have memory and knew about the mission hence never really set foot, in this world or reality- those who instead stayed undercover, waiting working on the transformation of this world..Such as myself, for I have never lived in this world, I am yet to be born..).

That is 4O years spent repeating and explaining the same thing over and over again…

I have looked back to the moment I first wrote the illustrated book about the Evolution Awakening and end of this reality.

And realized that even without being conscious speaking about, that my career in over so many disciplines. which I had the chance to explore, so many jobs, and occupations so diverse- that in every aspect I had been saying the same thing, recreating the same message, over and over and over again…

The story of Evolution Awakening, right to publicly being lead here. (Led because I would never have voluntarily and consciously come to face book to present my lifes times work- because of my awareness and understanding of the current state of Human Consciousness and systems of values..Nor would I voluntarily lived in the world, homes of so many people, if it had not been for this condition in my body and being…

A torment, which of course created these circumstances, leading me to this unimaginable experience, of transforming the Rage of Humanity, poured on to me by each experience of the world of people set up for me to pass through. In which, you must absorb their bile and venom and then transform through Conflict, that which is a lie which they have created- intentionally or unintentionally to reside in because it is comfortable..

It is an excuse…

Conflict Transformation…. That is the most hellish path to take to get home..Through constant war.

But who can deny that my Condition is not an ailment but a literal Binding-Because the result of it is my being compelled to take the one path prepared for me to make my way home.

For any being of personal dignity and who focuses their attention on the nobler aspects of being in Existence- such a path would literal the path best created to destroy such a being and send them into non Existence..

Made more acute by the Binding of the body, which is literally impossible to conceive of being possible in a rational logical age..Despite its inherent insanity…

Such a path, and a possibility made self evident, that a force intelligent- such as this Binding of my physical body, a 24-7 struggle where the only time I am still, is when I am posting..

Such a condition, such a path, all intelligent, point to the a Will which is intelligent set this up so that what you are representing will cease to exist..

Not because you can not endure such an evil, but rather than such a possibility, made real can exist.

This is what can destroy the Truth, the True, the Light beings…

That such an experience can manifest and literally move you to its will.

Especially when you know, and IT knows that you know that you have True Memory of why this can not be…

Truth being set up to fade forever from Existence, that anyone who rises with the actual literal Truth, which ca set everything free, this is the Experience and path reserved for you…

And yet, within this horror has come forth for me, the most Beautiful Expression, of literal defending and weaving the Truth, the Beautiful Truth into Existence.

I accepted the Challenge, but only after being placed on this road, fully aware of that which should be impossible played out which I am fully aware has sought to do the impossible- prove Existence Truth out of Existence by being able to manifest this Will….

A War, as my Mother noted, which began from the moment I was born…

right up to now…

Two forces brought me here, the Truth and the Lie, both represent the forces of Evil, the good intentions of one and the cruel intention of the other…

One obviously wished I share this information, indifferent to the cost and the path- while the other sought the annihilation of what I represent, and from my literal experience was given such a carte blanche- to go as far as it could and do anything, it wished to see me fail..

And it does it in manners so brilliantly cruel, that I never stop being stunned, by its ability to find the most ingenious ways to bring pain Hurt and suffering…

Both are evil, very similar to the idea of God and the Devil- gone completely insane, mad..Two aspects of the Collective Human Conscious Self created made manifested by all that was enacted by the Good and the Evil..

Good? Good are those who understand the Truth, know it, and then use Evil to defend and uphold it..

There is only one Truth..True..and it is Beautiful…

it can not be Cruel despite its noblest intention, because true nobility would demand, ask itself why would it need to use the tools of cruelty, manipulation, control to move people to its true intention..and intended expression..It is for your own good

Do parents not do this..

Does that not mean that being Good- defining oneself as Good a Good person- is in itself the route of the Seed of Evil, to make such a proclamation. And then defend that Goodness by proving that you understand the Truth, when in Truth you are defending a lie.

For the ones who understand the Truth do not require to defend or explain thier truth.

They do no go to War, with others, to make others do their will, impose wrath on others for not seeing that they are Good people and that everything they do has True intentions- despite the Hypocrisy of the Way they manifest the Truth, and reasoning as to why you must do as they say..Because at the base they make the stance that they are Good people because they recognize truth..

Because somewhere deep within them resides that original truth..

Which they think is enough..

But it is not enough.

Everyone was created with the Seed of the Beautiful Truth and its Body..

That Truth was not created by you, it was given to you, to treasure and guard protect nourish until it grew to a Great Tree with Vines which brings flowers and fruits, shelter comfort, shade.. Leaves which transform Lights into Oxygen, life, Vines which link to the Divine..

No, you can not take credit for that which was already given as a gift to you..

What you can take credit for is your Way..Your Expression..

And so, the Good are of course, the sources of Evil…

They are linked just as Black is linked to white…

Both are illusion, both are the represents illusions…

White reflects and contains the presence of all colors and Black absorbs all light…Absence of light..

But White is really Transparency, Black is really blue which moves to Transparency…White light does not permit you to See, it blinds you, just as being in the Black also blinds you, binds you to the feeling of not being present.

But you are, just touch yourself..Your body is present- speak, link, your Being is present..

But you just can not see..

Either blinded by your idea of your Goodness

and numbed by your perception of Evil done to you, blinded by how the two could be linked.

Only Transparency eradicated Fear, only Transparent Truth has no requirement to defend itself…

On Transparency offers the Grace for you to witness and experience the Colors of life…The experiences within you which you recognize manifested outside of you..

And if there is nothing of that Transparently Beautiful expression so transparently truth, that it is absurd that it should be explained.

Would that not mean that the Good people, sources of the Evil people..and the hatred beyond absurd they have for one another, which has come to define this present world and the meanings of thier Existence..

Which is not the meaning of Existence by the way…

-means such being are not only linked but can never open their eyes, never enter into the One Truth, called the Transparently beautiful Truth because they never existed, even in this play in which they are allowed to enact out the possibility of their being momentarily real..

Just as Black and white are only temporary illusion..

-A pool of Water Reflects Light… Transparency is what creates White light…

Try it with a mirror…

Transparency Reflects All things and Absorbs all things.. True.

Light comes from Transparency, Water a Spring..

As Air Transparent, so is Water both Essential to life..

And from both comes lifes colors.. Flowers and Fruit food..


Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Ti Doe…

and the Taste of Existence through the 5 senses all in One because you and your body and being Feel reflect and Absorb everything just as there can be no such thing as Black, something which absorbs all light and color.. When we know that it is Royal Blue..Being, Light of Beauty which pervades everything…

Blue is thus Awareness, moving to light consciousness, memory traveling from seemingly far away but Black is really Blue moving to Transparency and White is Transparency moving backwards to White Light…

But Whiteness just as Blackness are just illusions- expression which can not be sustained as defined by human culture- for it is not of Nature…

for even a black panther bleeds Red Blood…

All is Transparency Color…T.C…

When brought to the surface.. Black and white are simply corruptions of the literal truth…A Pause..

There is no such thing as Black or white..

only Beautiful Truth….B.T T.B

And Beautiful Truth is Beauty Transparent..

Air Water Energy…A.W.E..

it Reveals only Beauty and goes to war with the Lie

and it makes sure that the Lie will never awaken or open its eyes…

or see Dawn…

It must Die….

This is the importance of Beautiful Expression, it requires no explanation or Alibi…

It Is…

There is little I wish to further add to this expression..but this,

in Istanbul in 1999, I designed an 9 day international festival which aligns to the last 9 years of this play, which began at 268 East 4th Street- but had its Origins on 33rd Street in 2OO4.

It was the last big production I did, before entering the play, along with the production The Story of Colors and The short film for Wella International (Well Ah) called the Ethnic Odyssey…

I created a script for the 9 day events which began with theme and story acted on the First day called the Gathering and the last day called Remembrance…(Memory)-

But I recall that the second day called Pyramids of Light..

*See Michael O’Donnell first post I shared.

It theme was called Conflict and Resolution…

Thus the equation here as T.C…Actually should be Conflict Resolution Transformation…


C Right….T-Rue…

3 18 2O…41…The Heart which has 4 Valves..


4 =1…

1 creates from one expression the Square called the 4th Dimension- a Temporary realm as Black and White; Good and Evil…

But 4 corners or points converge to one point in the Center called the Heart Lung position…

And from that converged the Original One Point Emerged..

It is the 1 and the 5th…1 5..( 5+1=6) 1+5=6)

ROYGB…Do Re Me Far So…12345..A.B.C.D.E…4 Cardinal Direction North East West..South N.E.W..S

4 Elements; Air Water Earth Fire-Stone.A.W.E..F…(F=6)

R.B..Royal Blue.

D.F..46/64 Divine Force-First Drop..


A.F…Fa!.. the Alpha Sixth Sense as the O Circle of Perfect Symmetry..Soul Sol..

One to Four..O.F…

A-E..Atomic Energy-Expression Alpha (True Source of Atomic Energy is Expression activated on the A Tom I.C Expressed All..

Aryana Luna Leone..A.LL..

Tom Benzian..T.B

Fire post of Jonn Blackwell..

The two comments of each seeing within the Fire posted the Eye of the One…


A.L.L Seeing Eye of the Truth Beautiful…

And above six expression of from the true 4th Dimension and the Source of that Evanescent Light of Father receding from View..At the same time Arriving to the Truly Beautiful from the Illusion of black but which is really the Orb of the Full Circle of the Blue Universe and the Blue planete…

Transparency Blue..


having witnessed all the Good and Evil and receded from them to leave them only the Black illusion, while moving simultaneously the A.L.L truly beautiful to dawn

For there to be Transformation, there must be Resolution and that which the Source knows can not be resolved, are those things which never existed nor where they every of the Truth…

They were the Lies..

Truth is aways abundantly clear which is why it never requires to use Frustration Manipulation, Anger Rage Bullying..

F.M..A.R.B…(Trees are Father Mother See yesterdays Tree share of Geoffroy D’Aillaud de Caseneuve…)

B.R.A..M.F…The Arm and the Big Brother is the one M.F..Manifest Fact of Sixth sense, the Two CC on One..

One-Four Five…


1 4 5….A.D..E..N.E…



The one rises from beyond and then through the temporary illusion of 4 to prove the 5 is 4 and 4 is 1 which is 5…A full Circle of their only being 1 5..6 O…Fact Circle of Life


First Contact O L…

Code name in the play Orien Laplante…

Add E…

First Contact …O.L.E!

Sacred portal 5O…


Equation Solved..

Harmony is that which all this have the sixth sense of..

And when harmony is explained there is always Resolution.

And in my adventure it has proven the one constant for the 4O years of this play..

That every single persons was transformed and moved by Harmony, no matter how they fought..

All but One and that is the one I saw represents the Line planted here who are not real,,

That is my conclusion torturously explained…

That there is no Black or White..

Just Lightness at the approach of the Dawn

Evolution Awakening..

Any person focusing on an other things except the Lightness and Joy …

the Lightening of the Heart… that feeling of something magical in the Air..

I declare such legally dead and not of any plane of Existence not even a rat or a parasite..

for these all serve a function in the play..

But to feed the monster of rage even now..

And awful Expression that means there was never any hope for you, because you never really existed but were used as a tester to those who had to understand truth…

Transparency Beautiful

True Being…

Expression Transparent there is no reason to Explain.

In that expression is Everything reason, logic, appreciation consideration- and expression which is not about you..

But for the benefit of All Humanity..

And the Everything..

That is the One thing more important that you,

The Beautiful Truth of All of You and U…

That is Beauty..

It reflects only truth and transformation is simply th Evolution of the Beautiful Truth..

Not the transformation of Ugly and Cruel Expression..

So much for the Good and Evil…

Give me the Beautiful Devils any day..

They have Hearts while the others have no such

Heart Balance and consequently, no expression called

Love and Cee…

Truth Beautiful…

All they see is Evil..

the Lie adopted as their Truth

Alibis Excuse…


Rid us the E line of these

Evil beyond Evil, those who seek to enslave the Beautiful Truth

,,,to protest that they are Good people..

Give me some one natural any day of

these one who verbally abuse and murder beauty with venomous Tongue..

that power to abuse.

6:34 PM


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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