
From Michael O’Donnell…

From Michael O’Donnell…

As I was reading this, a person named Grace P.

simultaneously, appeared on my screen who began ‘liking

some posts I shared…

Grace represents the literal true frequency of what might be referred to as Mother Supreme, the literal embodiment of what the principle of Mother Supreme represents which in this case is Mother as the embodiment of Grace, which could be Courage and Kindness, or Gently falling Snow…

I noticed at the bottom of Lao Tzu..

Tao- Way of Nature

That the post is signed Mommy runs it…

And then, I read this post, which aligns with my most recent Face Book Friend arrival as my 4 52 friend…Kim Kamphane..

Bold Kin, Brave King..Wall.. of Diamonds..

KK..11 11..4 (1)…

And my understanding through the riddles, and equation, proofs that

my stay at 18 Mountain View, is at an end, that it the alignment of this being a literal Dead End, marked on a Sign Board at the entrance- the end of thee Alignment through expression, that the Unseen Expression of the 4th Dimension has aligned in perfection to its physical representation here on the chess board called this World and of course the dimension on walking on…

It has been a long journey, 5 months here was much longer than I had anticipated…

It has been crazy, wonderful, hard, painful…

But yet still a recognizable pattern I have experienced over and over again over the last 14.9 years….

Where each person is presented the Intel, and the evidence and is granted access to the 5th Dimension, and all its Facts that it is real, then each person is given a choice to fight it, to sustain for a short period of time while simultaneously existed in this reality, jobs, life etc….And witness the effects on even people living on the Lower Frequency

Then are then set up, to enact the choice of which frequency they have chosen to exist on, after the Universal Mother frequency and Father O.H, as universal Energy..

After which, they are made aware of their choice,

which at first glance, by simply reading the clues, I already know where I am and since I already know the play, I am already aware of the outcome..

Yet I have to walk through the Play of it, all over again..

At 18 M.V, I already posted a week or so that I was aware that I was going to MT Olympus- which turned out to be all about the Greek Roman Gods and the linkage to Persia, then Hebrew- Egypt, then to -NRI..Linked to I.N.R.I…( Yeshua Christ to Krishna-Erie Erike..Eze Nri-Original Frequency of a Pope..Father, Abba..true literal amp, instrument, transformer linking man and his-her, Divine Nature)..

Which creates a full Circle…

I.N.R.I.O.IN.R.I..A Circle and a Pool-

The equation then moved from Yeshua being Crucified, and the Cross, to Yeshua representing Transformation of Krishna Black Blue- Night Sky- Space-Death, Memory, Sleep, (Thantos Hypnos) Eternal Night Erebus..to the memory of how E and the line of E, (Evolved Beings..E.B..52…452 Face book Friends)…Have been transformed from the pitch black deep deep hypnotic sleep of Forgetting- to C, through the Speed of Light, beyond the Veil of Eyes Shut To Eyes Wide Shut and to finally Eyes Wide Open while Shut..Meaning to see the True picture of everything even while they sleep.. By building a tunnel, opening up the Damned’ River of Stream of consciousness which makes people aware that another voice, that off their true spirit is expressing Itself through as well..

The Damn is the Great Wall…

The Great Wall of China

The Wall of Sound Phil Specter…really Spectrum Planet..S.P

Sacred Portal…

Area 51 but as a Wave band…

And thus, by opening the Great Wall and its energetic frequency,

right here to 18 Mountain View, who represent the humanities purest most intelligent natural self, Humanity as Children, line of Yeshua Christ..

Or the Living W.A.V.E, the Anointed Voice, Wave, Expression Smeared with Myrrh (Even as they walked in their sleep of T.H.E..Erebus)-True Love..

That naturalness, and vibration so pure and luminous, that it moves people on that frequency to act out a play they are unaware of, moved by their Evolved Selves, already Existing in the 5th Dimension who are Reeling in all multi-universal aspect, fractals of themselves back into one…

Transforming Thantos, from peaceful death to Peaceful Life..Transparency, Truth, and his Twin Hypnos from hypnotic spell of Sleep, to Honesty, Harmony…Erebus, code name, Melvin Dercho Er-er

M.D.E…13 4 5

A.B.C..was missing…AH, BE CEEE…1 2.3…18 2 5 25/52 (25 Y)..3555..35/53

M.A.D.E…B.C…Ere Eros-e Cupid Harmonia….

*The code names serves as my anchors, verification…they create the pause.

Thus, E RE…Earth Transforms back to the E-rose, the memory brought to light of Krishnna-Erose-Yeshua Christo-Wave Silver Surfer..

Wave of Sound which creates Light..Do re me fa so la ti Do…DDoo..A Full Circle…DD-44 = 8..8OO..8 (2O)..82/28.. In my personal code P.C

Represented by Emeka Nnamdi..E.N..S.A.O..

Supreme Alpha Omega…1-24 Greek Alphabet…A.X,,,

X files..X Factor…24..6…

The Wave brought me to 18 Mountain View…18=R..Robert Ruth..Rachel Rachel…same meaning…of all for names..Transparent Light, Evanescent Luminosity…A.H..BE CEE…

Code Peace Bee and affirmed here,,,sacred portal 18…

C.EEE=..C-3..555..See sacred portal 1O8…

C represented the number on the glass door to the D.E.C.K…

DE..OF..C.K…Christos- Meaning Word Anointed Voice Expression…) Krishna…

Ah is an Address AH…18

BE as BEE is a person..Donna.. see who is BE..25-52..See sacred Portals…52…Elizabeth Emeka Palace…

CE…Is a Space….A Stage..Stag-e..

DE..See sacred portal 45…C.K…

E.K…511…We completed that play..

E,F…Fact Expression Feminine (not Female)

E.G…E Grace,,,

E.H…Both their codes 58…


So,,, One might see and cee, why perhaps I can conclude

that this post is at the some time for All,

…Yet at the same time, personally addressed to me

from Lady Harmony Grace, Echo…

…I have an alter besides by bed, on a side table with a little art installation which in rapid Hindsight I can read my natural creative expression..S.H.E.

It read forms and creates a picture or map of my literal equation, complete with a white box with the word Yuin on it- Which we investigated to be the Chine word for Universal Sound, besides there is a card Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell, gave me the first few weeks I was here, with an absract picture, which looks Japanese, and is like Sacred Portal 5- Except the Lady Brooke Shields, just before the water fall, looks a lot like an tall elegant waterfall which has taken on the form of a tall elegant lady with an Afro covering her head…

Behind it, is a vase of Pink..Harmony Sister, red +White Light..

in the center of the table, is a three step structure, Green at the base, a silver box, or cube, (the box the head phones Jonn brought me) with the Swirl pendant necklace, again a gift from Jonn, dangling from the silver round Snuff box- the pendant Swirl, creating on the front face of the cube, a portal…

Encircling the Silver Round (S.R..Stone Ridge) Snuff box, from Donna, is an elastic band made of links of Silver and Gold, A ring around the Silver Circle, sitting atop a Silver Cube of used to House Ear Phones E.P..E Palace..Which one might read as Sound can shatter nearly anything if projected at the right frequency,, Wave Voice.. Link Sirens and Star Bucks Cee- Water, Coffee, Brown..Water Land..but as a Frequency, Wave length..

But Sound can not shatter the form of a Diamond…

Thus Once living in consciousness and frequency band off a Diamond can not be distracted or effected by Sound- not matter the potency.

You exist beyond Sound..

In a Silence so deep and profound Erebus!

But heat at 382O Degrees Kelvin with Oxygen present can break the barrier of Silence..that depth of Silence…

‘Kelvin’, by the way, means Narrow River Nikoma Rios who was a big part of this play earlier linked to..I…N.R.I

Even as I am writing now using one hand and one finger (knowing that even that is a code), I am moving, posting literally feeling myself being moved by an underground Wave of River, moving me to expand upon what I have expressed over and over again- moving me to its own point…

Heat is Passion, fire from a furnace contained, Kundalini pent up, but not exploding, or bursting into Flame- fury, rage, fire Burning scorching everything around it by its pent up frustration..

Rather it is channeled, like a Narrow River of Molten Silver poured silky expression, of lets say a Literal Consciousness of a Sex God, forced againt his will to endure celibacy for lets say 16 years, yet not being allowed to deny it, or ignore it, but rather use that energy in its expression linked to feeding the Energy of the Expression of this play…

This, creates a Sword when forged on the Black Smiths Hephaestus Alexander, Anvil and Hammered by the Thor and Odin..T.O.D..D..

Death-Sky Space Heavens Energy Universe Planets, Logos Order Vibrating Expression…

Ear..Pinna Canal- Ear Drum-Anvil, Hammer..Cholea…

A Sword of Liquid Mercury of the Messengers…The Sum total of All the messages sent through the Post Office box (Stomach and Voice-through the Throat 3 Chakra 5th…3 5..44..through the 4th..which links the two)

Through the Human time line…

And then this Sword..

Most indestructible Lightest but Hardest Sword of Living Light made of a substance from Beyond, can be used to Cut through Silent Erebus to reveal Lucifer, the Light of E-Ris Erising as Eros..Thantos and Hypnos transformed back into Transparency Honest Expression of THE Beginning of Everything Manifest at A.H. BE CEE…

The 382O..C.H.T.O..is Frequency 3 82 O…C.,,H.B..O..

Consciousness TV..Human Beings are the Ti.Vi-O.L-E.T.V…

Heat Passion can form a Diamond or Cut through a Diamond..

Carbon is the C…Messengers Silver Surfer Messengers from the 5th Dimension- Representation of Diana Art-emis Moon Luna..

The M.O.L.E…M..Ole!

Who Surf the Big Wave, the Ultimate wave, the Voice of the Source of Truth

Source Frequency of Existence Source…

The Knights in shinning Armour…

Luminosity True Love

Messengers with a Message from Beyond..

Riders of Sine and the Cinema..

All Channels, frequencies Wave Bands..

Which the Human Body Radio is made of…

Meaning they are able to access, reach all levels of Beings Awareness Consciousness and Cees of Everything can and ever will be

and successfully deliver the Message..

Which happened to be Love Letter to this World..

And a Bell, an Alerting of the plan of Evolution..

From Krishna as the Black Blue Mystery of Night

Erebus Eros Krshna…

to Chrsto..C C=Speed of Light…

Carbon which can penetrate even the deepest sleep

inaccessible even to sound…

An Aware Bolt of Consciousness…

the Ah Bee Cee..De Vine Expression..

Which is obviously my ring of Elastic Band of chains

Silver and Gold linked…

On top of the Silver Round container, is a Silver Eiffel Tower

which you recall the play in earlier posts how Donna

got it for me..

I notice Michael O’Donnell’s Albemuth posts,,

Ablemuth is a Radio Station, catering to a consciousness beyond this realm and hence, as Micheal explains, is not understood by most yet who has with tenacious fidelity to his perception has been broadcasting his Intel,

on a daily basis…

Eiffel Tower… A Person who *See Donna O’Sullivan photos from Sachs 5th Avenue…

is Transmitting from a Frequency, powered by Kundalini Energy from 16 years of deprivation of Intimacy imposed yet being forced to release through both Sixth sense and sexual energy a power which aligns to link with a frequency, a consciousness a family, the Message…

And broad cast it live for 45 months…to the world..

And Albemuth..AL BE MOUTH..Muth means Mouth Piece..

I call it Able Mouth….A.M…Aligned to my mother names Cecilia Onu Umeano..meaning 6th Blind-Darkness- Mouth- 4 Divine Breaths

One can not help but begin to see a picture…

Her initials are C.O.U…meaning Throat in French..Base of the 5th Chakra..3 4 5..6…56…11-1…1…57..12..35..47..her birth year…58..13..M..D…Michael..Donna..Jonn (Huan)..

4O…DO…First Note…

Andrese Harris Burton..AH..B..BE BEE CEEE..

Behind this structure, is the White and blue monogramed Ritz note paper found underneath a green pyramid, which was with a Blue Pyramid, where Jonn had recovered it and given to me…

A Silver Cutting blade placed by the cube to form a pyramid, along with a thin paint brush and a bic plastic pencil…

All three fell, naturally I realize now onto the Ritz paper, I never checked where they feel, except for the silver cutter, which I saw where it fell the first day..

On the silver cutter are the words..

,,,Let me check, ..X-A.C.T.O

On the Paint Brush, is the name Raphael.. with the number 3894 on it..C.H.I.D…Consciousness Harmony Infinity Divine..I.D..Identity..

In OINRi Igbo C.H.I.D..I…Chidi.. Means the Espirit Is…or the Chi IS.

Arch Angel Raphael is the Arch Angel of Song Healing Expression…it is right besides the Yuin Cover which forms a Hollow Square…..

And then there is a Elegant Dark Green and Gold Night Lamp, reminiscent of the 195O’s, Dark Green D.G..Fort Green Adelphi where Tom Truman and John his younger brother lived and where I stayed, and John had filmed me and taken a the photograph of me which is on my Face Book Album..

Two of them…One in Pelham Park and the other at Fort Green…

Fort also means a Fort but also in French Strong Bold Green..

Bold Kin… Brave KinG

Kim Marcussen

Kim Kamphane…M.K…I.E….M.I.K.E…

Pyramids Green within the Blue..or was it the Red…

No it was inside the Red Pyramid.. he has a blue one too.. with a luminous pearl on its apex, which looks like Lady Diana Artemis Moon

And supporting it is the Magic wand made of Wood I found months before I came here (Where both Jonn and Donna have energy sticks which look like elegant magic wands)..

But mine is painted with the seven colors of the rain bow,,,

The Red painted side is inverted and thus linked to the Dark Green Glass Shade..Red Green Pyramid it must be…

The Violet side ROYGBIV..the 7th color is touching the Table which is covered with a browned patterned table cloth..

The Earth.. Aligning to the green first Tier of the Three -Four (Including the Eiffel Tower)..

The Green Foundational Block, is the Corner Stone of Existence Sue of the Green House in Soho said I must find, in 2OO6…when I eventually found Generation X Gardens and Al..my host at 268…Est 4th Street..4th Street between B and C..B.A.C..K…KK..Full Circle..

She told me to find the place (Frequency) represented in physical space where they lived before Adam, where the Gods E.T walked the Earth…

Everything is recorded and reported right here…on Face Book…

After almost 8 to 9 years I found it..

On it reads the word Grace and the first few bars of the song, Amazing Grace..


Augusta Georgia..


The Hollow of the Glass Ceiling of the Lamp is White…

P.S Infront of the card, is a Woven basket where I placed all the coins I had left on the table 5 months ago inside, but not before counting it, 1 USD and 15 cents… 115..K.E..E.K My initials…

Behind the card is a beautiful Black velvet pouch and a card a black card l had left on the floor and then placed on the installation.. which reads

K B Ethos…K..B.E…E..B.K…


E-manual Book..

My face Book page..

Eiffel Tower… E.I..FF..E.L…Tower…Torres…Hadriel Juliano Torres

Albe Muth Radio Station…R.,S..S.R..Stone Ridhe/ R ID-GE. S.T ONE..S Tone,, Estonne…Inner Flight..Estonne means Star..Yes see the singer …A.L..BE..M.U..TH…Mother Universe Thantos Hypnos…

E.A…51..Area 51..

T.R.S….Tom Robert Sananda…

Twin Bright Beautiful Shinning Joy Bliss..J,B.. Happiness…

J.B.H…Harmony He- NRI…

Julian Brown Henry Mowgli Henry Azubike Onyenobode


Joy Bliss (Balanced on Youthful children of Jove, on Brown Ear T.H.E)

Harmony HE (E) the 4th 5th Dimension (85), Harmonious Manifestation Harmony Alpha Omega..



Roman + Greek Alpha Bet…24+26…5O..E.O..

Red -Gold….1-7…A.G

Rainbow Spectrum…R.S..I.E…H.U.E.S..

Aurora Borealis..A.B.B.A..

Area 51…

F.M Band called 6th Sense..

Full Circle is Radar….

Sending out a Signal and communicating with the E line

Evolved Huemanity.

code R.I.S.E…E RIS.E..

Erose E over and out..

This is the Job…

Receiving and Transmitting and disseminating…

11:11 p.m..K.K.

A Message and the Arrival of the Sword…

which cuts out the out and carves out the True Harmonious Expression which created the form called the Flower of Life..

Lotus Santana..

Santana Alberto- Dharma Chi Being Energy…

The Ancestor who founded the Umeano Clan of my Matriarchal line

(Ancient Nri was founded on a Matriarchal Base)..

is CHIDI-UME..Which is were name Umeano derived from…

But Umeano means the Four Divine Winds…Ano means 4

But the name Chidume Chi’Di Ume…

means The ONE Living Being and Expression of E-spirit Chi is here, present and Alive..

11: 22 pm..

My mothers birth date as well as David Roman Nicholas Nnamdi Kolo…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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