
From Michael O’Donnell

From Michael O’Donnell

Julie Minton commented,

Wow, if that be the case then Rome is microcosm

of the (Modern) World

I find that statement invariably true based on the evidence and trajectory of this play which linked O.I.NRI my maternal ancestral origins to the Yeshua Christ Story in which he was Crucified by Rome by instigation of the Sanhedrin, with the code I.N.R.I..Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum

Meaning ‘Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews J.T.N..K.O.T.J

Which Pontius Pliate PP had ordered.. PP

Besides him was a Roman Soldier holding up the sign S.P.Q.R

Meaning The Roman Senate and the People of Rome T.R.S. A.T. P.O.R..T

Which is a bit strange, Rome and its people taking the full responsibility from a Jewish initiative…

And later the Church formed in Rome, who gave saw him as innocent, and blameless but to keep the peace allowed the Crucifixion to go on…

While the Jewish race never accepted him…

The meaning of Nri is Ideal Manifestation…And Food..

The Source of the Ideal was a being called Eri- Which means Guardian

They were called the Uyanne…(U.Y..Anne) meaning the Cry of the Mother

as if a whole people were looking for Mother..

Eventually they settled around a Lake Agwuleri…LA..Meaning the forest of the Guardian

And founded the mystical realm, the Ideal Manifestion- Manifestion of the Ideal…I.M..M.I..(Do re mi), M.O.T..I/I T.O.M..I TOM..I Twin…It Om…

Mot I.. Word I…Individual…

It was a real True Camelot, equality and community who represented the portal to the Ethereal World as well as the Elemental realm of Nature..

Eri Nri…Guardian of the Manifest Ideal- the Third Dimension Mi! the Word of the Individual, and the Individual who is two..Twins…1-2.. 3..C.

Emeke Nnamdi..

Energy Nature..

E.N..5-14..19..1O 1..

And based their culture on ideals of the Full Circle, the Sacred Space of Nri which grants any person seeking asylum not only safety, but a home where they are treated as citizens..

It grew in the 9th Century..9 A.D to a great kingdom..

The mandate of the Nri was to bring the World home by spreading the message of the Nri Cosmology in which they lived in both the Spirit World as well as the Physical world…

The did belief in Death as an End, and communicate with the Dead in the same way they do with the living…

They saw everything literal as Spirit Energy…

I did my University thesis on the Nri people and the way they built and saw everything as a circle…

I saw how Rome became threatened by the power of Nri who did not have an army but whose influence spread far and wide.

Their Priests traveling as far as Timbuktu Egypt and even further..

Because this was their mandate..

And they cleanses the communities and lands of abomination..

They had found Mother Anna Land… Grace Favor..the Child…Nwa..The Boy…Yes Mother was the Earth Odinani within..But S.he was represented and embodied a boy.. A child…

Eternal Youth under cover in the play of the Lords of Dance who come are called to this day ‘The Beautiful Ones- who came through the sacred portal of the Moon- The Full Circle into this world and made First Contact, and formed the Eri Nri People of Uyanne…U.E.N.P/P.N.E.U..

The New Beings..

Pnue in french means a Radial Tire for a car of Vehicle… It also means to Tire, to Exhaust some one, as this Evil play has so tired me…

Yet the correct interpretation would be Radial Tire…

Considering the Full Circle meaning of the Nri Cosmology and the Idea which had to be manifested in this world from Towns Village (T.V) Structure Buildings right to Consciousness, and when this Idea is established then the Species would move energetically back through the portal out of this Play of the Circle…

Affirmed by my first contact and interaction with Axel Anderson..(Mr Anderson matrix) now code Axel Love..

Meaning the Wheel which powered Nri was love…

Eri Father, Ala, Anna Father and the Boy the Ladd…

Is it not strange that yesterday in the play, I linked the Impulse stimuli to Mgba Afor Ocha my great Grandmother, Tall long limbed tresses down to her back, who legend stated that she and her sisters descended from the Sky, My grandmother from the Edge or Border of two Worlds and my mother from the Sea…

And here I am linking Rome (David Roman Nicholas Nnamdi Erike) to N.ri…

To prove the Full Circle of influence of the Modern World is Rome but only Via Nri…And that N.R.I..is now O.I.N.R.I…O..I..N.R.I..

by proving that Nri beings are the true representative people and consciousness representing the True Pluto Hades as Transition from one Real Etheric to Elemental.. And are the Consciousness and people closet to God- Nature and to the Source…

Inmaculada Ayecaba Masa…

Immaculate A.M..

Dawn of the World..

Mama Dawn…My Grandmother..

Mgba Afor Ocha…M.A.O…I.A.M…MM.A.A..O.I…N.R.I..

N.T.I-/ I..T.N…Nti in OINri Igbo means Ears- these are the initials of my Host at 268 on and off for 9 years..

I.T.N..Means I..True Nature…(Individuality)

My Great Grandmother who when I met as a 11-12 year old for the first time , on arriving from Canada to Nigeria, I instantly recognized that She was I… and she winked back with Anya-wu..Twinkling Bright eyes from the 5th Dimension…

Immaculate Conception..


Rome is the City of Echoes,

the city of Illusions

The City of Yearning…

The World…


Crying looking for their Mother

and the Boy..




2:39 pm

B; C.I…

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