
From Michael O’Donnell

From Michael O’Donnell


I will only add that then they forgot that they had taken a Walk, of their own free will cause they said ‘We just wanna Look around and check out the scenery and Gods Creation)…

and thought they were lost..

and then turned around and put it all on God- That HE SHE was to blame for their being in this mess in the first place..

And so God came down in the form of a Man Woman under cover

MW Milky Way…

And forged a New Way of the Creamy Way..

of Milk which rises to the Top..

Saying here is the Original way of the Milky way and now I have expanded to the Creamy Way.. So there are two ways to come home..

Because quite I have had enough, the Beautiful Lord Creator said of carrying all of this Blame..when all was already given to thee…

There was an Inner compass and Sixth Sense Navi-Gational System and in you I planted a Seed.. A microchip with Memory of the see which Nature and Movement- Appreciation and Praise of Creation would activate these system to your awareness, to see you were not lost but understanding Love means being Free… to Explore and that it was never a chore to be inside Creation…

There was always a way, a Path to lead you all home.

The Blue Print is in Nature and now revealed in the Truth of your most beautiful Nature and now I Harvest the Cream of the Crop..

Those who did not Blame me..

For they understood everything is as easy as A.B.C…

You never left Home all of the Truth of you are residing at Home with me…

the Real true thee..

The walk was the was the illusion created so that you could understand how to Be…I always knew you could see..

for I am the one who planted the seed..the see-D..

and the C.D ( Compact Disc) the Music to Cee for your selves…

what is is to be free..

And so I resided in all of thee

I spy and the baby monitor of the Bodies which would house the E.T residing at home with me…

Meister E.C.K..Harmony Art…


Meister means Master’

Eckhart means Field Acre…suggesting a Farmer..

It also means Brave Hardy and The Edge of the Sword..

Able Be Cain…

Farmer who plant the Seed and comes to Harvest his seed

and Assassin who Weeds out that which are not of his Seed..

The Liars who came they are Blameless who accused


The Master Craftsmans of the Unified Field of Oh..

I get It


I Cee


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