
From Maryanne Savino… M.S…S,W…

From Maryanne Savino… M.S…S,W…

Saw Supreme Wisdom..

Thank you for inviting me… and the code Intel from your Espirit E…

Okay, Lets see what this means… Blue is Awareness Uranus Neptune Earth.. U.N.E…One Femine principle..

Blue and Indigo Violet… I.V…6-7th Energy point uniting at 1-8 in universe within- the body, creates the Sacre Couer Sacred Heart and Hearth.. which creates the transformation of the back ( Shoulder Blades..S.B..Supreme Being) through the Butterfly Effect- B.E, Beautiful Expressions…

Which transform your back, (past) from a story of your life, to the revealing that All were in a movie playing a part for the Evolution of a species, where each represented a pain and suffering in the world that they were meant to hold onto, in balance and not infect others with their tales of woe…

but rather hold in balance within as one holds a poison, then wait for the Doctor Love- ceers to come along, who you would release all you had understood and seen, who would then transmutate that poison into water and wine, and leave you with only the treasure- reflections of the dark transformed into light of which you truly see, that you never lived your life at all…

Which allows you to leave the past behind, and fly away home…

You do have wings after all… The wings begin in true state of Awareness and Consciousness- Being Conscious and Aware of your Expression

Taste your words before you speak, make sure that there is enough truth of both or all points of view full circle which provides food for thought which is nourishing to the reciever. Make sure it is well cooked. Raw for can bring the War of words.

Cook your expression well with your first Charak, Fire as warmth and ordered with logic and your gut feeling…

Add water, which lubricates it- Transparency, refreshing, knowledge, which when the persons receives your words, it is as a warm heart comforting but rich and exquisitely prepared meal, which the persons can calmly chew on, and swallow and the Water which accompanies that meal…?

it will magically turn into wine… As the joy of understanding and recognition of the your generosity of expression, and subtly – spices you added, which brings an aroma so De-vine, that you go Hmmm…. And begin to humm- Yum!- as you wash it all down with the information which brings joy extase and intoxication of some one seeing you so clearly and a delivery so deliciously prepared…

Beautiful Expression is like a Master Chief choosing his ingredients for a meal for his beloved, Word are the ingredient and the effect is the Water turned into Wine..

This is how the physical body transforms… energetically first of all by recognition of another of your essence,,,and hunger for a beautiful messiah…A messenger from the Post Office.. P.O…SEE I.D..ON…The Cee of Eros-E Hermes…From Aphrodite Aquarius…A message with the scented envelop of Love…

aka Good Manners simply mean Common Courtesy and Consideration

of the true Identity of the person you are addressing..



26TH Zeina Hanna Sophie…Ma-Donna…( Donna O’Sullivan)

at the correct exist from this story, not sacred portal 72- the Womb of the Weavers Womans Womb,

But from the Black Well ( Jonn Blackwell) the Creators Grace is the blackwell the undercover tunnel within the Subconscious…Moah Deep! (D UNE)…After the Shelter 146 Clay Street Off Freemans Av..Green point, the true Black Hole of human society in the West… Keith Grant play…

see sacred portal 66..

The Black hole is not your Uranus- your anus or sun, but the Mouth.. Onu abuchi!

Ile Bu Ife:…El Ife! The Tongue is Something..magical

Ofor di ile… The staff of Truth (Spinal chord – serpent the large intesine Colon (Jordan Colon) is in what you choose to say…

but the Justice and Consequences for

the Adding ( Joseph means to add) C..Color

or Negate to black and white…illusion allusion…

… comes from Beyond the this realm of Cee…Creation

transformation of the physical body begins on the Expression level E Dimension then maifest full when the body and cells are duly in-form-ed of the E Way…

Will Hunnitpercent Real

Wills Way

Grace is Courtesy and Consideration.. Effortlessly, Naturally and Spontaneously expressed after being cooked for while in the oven of contemplation Observation… now Express.

nice pic..:)


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