
From Lea Aust

From Lea Aust


The 6th Note of 6th Sense..

How did the Owl do that?

I assure you It didn’t use Reason

R =18 666..

But in Hindsight ( 6- 54321.. O 5, 8-7654321 O8)

Science could break down this Owls Art ..Precision.

But as any Artist or Creator will tell you it comes naturally, Six Sense.

The same principle The Creatior used.

5:08 p.m


No Limiation imposed

I Do

I Can

Because I imagined I could with all the tools at my disposal, I can create anything.

And what is a Creator, and Artists

If not to prove the Impossible Possible and what does creation manifest if not proof of all impossible, possible through the Process of Refinement which creates Beauty and Awe…

Which causes us . A Quick intake of Breath…Stilness Pause .. a Grasp!




Conversation Guess what I saw


I have an Idea..


Sixth Sense

S=A W…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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