
From Laura Walsh.

From Laura Walsh.

Visit her page…

See the True state of America and the world.

Love is a Warrior

It goes out on the Field.

It proves its Truth.

I am so sick of dealing with Cowards

Speaking of Peace Love and Forgiveness when they have not been out in the World.

And those words they utter have no meaning except to allow them to justify and existence in which they as the ultimate hypocrites make claims when in deed they are the Source of the Current reality of this world.

I have been forced to observe the Species, living in people’s homes and dimensions.

I have observed the so called Good People and how so easily they turn on you when you call their hypocrisy out, so they can clean it up.

There is no doubt from what I have observed for the last 29 years in the West

The the West must cease to exists.

They mentality of the Western mind, Modern Mind is Heartless Cold Self Serving



It has infected the entire world population bringing out the worst in the Human Species.

Of course there are the Beautiful Ones, the Harmonious ones here, but these are Individuals..

There is a responsibility that I have obseved in the West, especially America of constant blame, shifting of responsibility l..

I observed it every where I went Micro to Macro and yes it is that which I observed in my years of forced interaction as I fought to solve this Script of Hate and True Evil.

I saw it everywhere.

The refusal to take responsibility to acknowledge the mess that had been done.

It’s is not the Macro which created this state but at the micro level, the nucleus, the family and the I as the pure ego.made into and abomination of me me me..

Self Interest, Fear Cowardice Need, disguised as Caring and Sharing – but in a blink of an eye they will turn on you, play God.

You can never trust a Human of this Mentality.

The infection in the World, the Disease spreading and the True Individuals not being able to find a solution, to the horror infecting the World

This mentality of Need Greed. Creating lack producing nothing, being Vampires leeches,

Tis this which brought the dominance of Abominations and Monsters in disguise as human Beings, seeking to transform.the world to Eternal Darkness.

The few truly Humane fair people, hardly exist.

They have become almost Extinct in this world.

They live in another Dimension

I know, that through the ages many many Individuals have sought ways to elevate the World and it’s people’s to their true potential.

But they have failed over and over again because of the Nature of the Diseased Humanity Mentality and because they did not take the time to objectively find a Solution by going to the root cause.

They had no longer the belief that they had the knowledge inside of them.

And from my.own personal experience and interaction right to this portal…

No one truly believed in the Truth that if you find it, that you could actually change the World.

No one truly believed that this world could ever change.

Idealism meant to Inspire, descended into rhetoric and public masturbation.

Logic and Reason would dictate that there is and must be a solution

But would anyone care to do the True Work.

Which is finding the root cause for why such a intended Heroic Species became self interest self serving cowards…

I knew as far back as my early twenties, the solution would be to read world history and link.the past to the present.

To see where Humanity began to transform into abomination..

And what causes them to become such.

I knew also that there was a blue print and an awareness moving through the Species but it’s see and Expression drowned out by the Cowardice mentality ..


No, Fear actually make a Human Animals behave.

Which is why so many use fear and the threat of money income and comforts taken away.

In my experience in America, and for the past 29 years no one wished to do the work to find the Truth.

They had already lost the battle before it began.

No one had faith in my work, no one believed in the facts that an equation had been found in which Humans could clean up.their mess and could literally evolve their planet as well as themselves back to.the intended Destiny.

Laura, go.back and read my page and read the stories of the portals and dimensions which I passed through for 18 years.

See a the knowledge expressed. The Proofs the facts

And observe how people treated.me and it.

They did not belief in anything except their Needs and their Breeds.

None was willing to investigate the Truths of the Kingdom of God here on Earth

Observe my page how I was tested, how I was challenged how I was crucified.. how sly deceitful and demonic humans can be .

Manipulative Demonic.. I found no Angels 8n my journey just those who could have been but who each turn to demonic energy.

How they act nice when you f irsr interact with them because they heard perhaps that you have a sort of power and so they battle between Fear and Need to use your power to grant their Needs and desires are obedient for a little while, because of that fear that you might send them to hell..

See how many do.the Right thing..

See how they intentionally ignore their cues, or when some one of worth cries out in pain

Or is suffering ..for them

Go and walk through my page Laura, see the True state of this world and it’s true origins which come from.this Mentality of Decieption Greed Need and absolute stupidity..

That they can deceive Ones who are all ..

But does not do anything but call out point out ..promise consequence.

There was always a Solution to the Human Predicament.

But why would a Demonic Species want to accept that through logic reason and support of the True Human Spirit that Change can actually happen.

Read my page 7.5 years of showing the World there is a Solution and that we are in a Script in which we can solve the Disease and give the cure.

Read the book.on my.page, see the Beauty of the Human Spirit sustained by me..

And observe the Evil in the Species who do Nothing…

And even if they try to help you they make sure they make you suffer, that you must carry their anger rage pain and blame.

No one believed in the Solution I brought forth

Because the Species are no longer Humans..

They are demons and nearly all bet against their Humanity, their Decency and nearly All bet against me, and the Solution

Because they are a Demonic Species, Possessed with Hate.. Anger and getting what they want no matter the cost..

Observe Laura how they do Nothing

Sit like beggars waiting for Handouts of Divine Knowledge, then take it to fulfill selfish self serving needs..

They do not want an awakening evolution they are content with the way it is..

Blustering and bellowing how they want to change the World..

Look.at my page Laura,all the evidence facts devotions universe literally responding to.me..

And look at their responses.

What else can they be but Demonic creators who I invented Evil and live to Spread Disease?

Objectively,I have walked through their world and minds and ways of Beings.

Transforming those who were Demons back to being Human Beings, those who knew that something was evil or turned them.

I could only return those to their Senses who wished to return and how they made me suffer to bring them home.

And so few so so few grateful.

No Laura this was not the World.

It was a Black Hole in which No one was allowed out..

Because they are the Disease with without hope.

I.came to find the Bodies grateful and for which there was hope that these ones could merge with the Eternals.

But this is a realm and dimension without out hope.

Because everything in True Existence recognizes Truth as I have proven and are grateful and show it respect.

The End of the S.J

Sacred Journey into the Black Hole of Demonic Existence and My mission was to find the Cause of that which could never be and all those who accepted it as Normal Life.

4:34 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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