
From Laura Walsh

From Laura Walsh

Sent to me at 8:24 pm

E M F = 24.

Yes, after 18 years, of moving through a predeterned Scriot of People and places, reaching recently a portal with two code 317. And 5 17.

17 is Q.

It equates to Quantum Leap Jump Change

And is the thread of using my own equation for Quantum Mechanics, E =C M.e.4/3.

Which I have been using to consciously transforming blackness of the idea of a random universe which rose out of Chaos and proving by use of my equation on the E.M.F as New York the 11th State, that in Everything there is Reason and purpose, Harmony Perfection.

After 11 years in Europe and 18 years here in the States, I have proven through this preset up challenge created for me to prove the Truth of Evolution of the species through Expression Awareness being Quabtum and his the parallel universe are litteraly

1111111111111. 111111111111 but all are really

1 1. And that represents the Particle and Wave as the Human Being

And that it’s is Human Beings, they frequency they embody and the one they emit without being aware and through Conversation, Energy.. creates Convergence and Merging, which as the Helix, and the formation of a Cell creates a Point as the Two interact and align

– The Particle as the Human Avatar

And the Wave – the Expression

And then what emerges is that which rises from the point.

That 11. Is Being One. B 1.

That there is no duality or conflict to resolve, that the Body and the Being as Particle and Wave, naturally merge and converge and all it takes is one of the beings to be aware of the multi dimensional expression through the Conversation and be consciousness of their expression Comming through the Avatar and his or her expression even though they are totally unaware.

The Quabtum Mechanics of this State of Contact and Conversation, is Energetic Awareness.. Consciousness and through acknowledgment and recognition ..attention focus, of the multi dimension universe represented by this unaware human of being a Transmitter.. The alignment thus becomes through one of two being fully aware and through Conversation merges the Energy Embodied with the Expresion to the point.

This creates a Quabtum Jump Leap just by the interaction with the Avatar Messenger Vessel and the Awake Messenger, who activates charges and energized each Avatar Messenger Descendant, he or she meets.

And the Playing field,like a mesh grid, board game in a cube of multiple dimension, layers.. create movement linking each dimension language reality into one through Conversation and the jump is the emergence of the point Dot of which Embdoment-Energy; Expression-energy all merge at E as Essence or at Source Expression.

The Original Intention of the Source

Thus, one is navigating through a playing field and with embodied avatars messengers in non awareness or memory, interacting drawn together by the field and the Energy emission of the Awake Messenger…

Where a Cinversaton must take place aligning all the dimension expressed, without the awareness of the Avatar.

The conversation activates the E with Eternal memory as well as the dimensions and frequencies they are carrying but which have to recognized by the Awakened Messenger

The Intel gained and aligned merged converted back to Its point, while the Avatar Human messenger also gains from the Conversation because now he is she is full charged and can chose to awaken by how each chooses to pay attention and take seriously that interaction.

Each completion of one level, creates a movement from 111111111111111 – 111111111111111..

Closer to 11111 11111.. over and over again the play until reaching 1 1. And finally 1

There is is only one Universe, one Universal Expression moving out ward to infinite versions of the 1

Which is ALL is E


Communication which creates movement,Infinity Symbol,Electrical Charge….

Activation Awareness Awakening


3:09 p.m


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