
From Latisha Randall Wilkins… L.R.W.

From Latisha Randall Wilkins… L.R.W.

Beautiful Body in front of the Palm Tree.

I suppose that the power of this Play –

lies in the ability to create Frustration and Rage…

To make the impossible, possible…

As I am writing this,I looked up to see the back of a Womans T-Shirt

in Paradise Blue with the words Finish Line


Fey Mirach

Lisa Natalie Johnson…

I saw a text from Fey at 7;19 a.m.

and as I was just about to read it, Lisa Natalie Johnson responded to my text me at 2:44 p.m.

I… We have reached 1011 Face book Friends, and the gift which allows me to pay my 33 USD phone bill in this pre-set money play is arriving today, signaling my having completed this Evil Evil Play of the Abyss and Void of 11-12 years.

There was never a Void, just seemed to be a void until it was solved, the Mess of Ages all the Sound Waves of Human Existence and all creation was cleaned up to reveal it was simply the Way Home…

Yes, the Void became transformed into the Abyss by the Sum Total of All Creation Human expressed through out their Existence.

Expression Sound is what all Creation is made up of,everything vibrates, and thus sends off a Frequency and a Wave Length.

When this expression is in Harmony with its true nature, the Expression of all Living things link with original Blue Print contained in Space as Stillness. But the expression of Creation fills the Air through Breath.

So like the Wind, for it is the Wind as Music, Expression of Creation joins with Natures Symphony N.S…/ S.N…

And through Human Exemplifying Expression I.E…Individual Expression I.E.. With Conscious Reasonable adding to the mix…

Life And Death.. L.A.N.D-D… Merge as Nature and Creation to Activate the Blue Print and Move the Galaxy, the Species to their Destination.

Yes, Space can be seen as a Giant M.R.I…AH… M.R.I…/ I.R.M..A…

of Awareness which like the Human Brain is at full optimum potential when MUSIC is used…

Lyrical Conversation…

Expression Harmonious

Music of the Spheres…

Just as the Human brain is at optimum use, 100% only with Music, so it is with the whole Blue Print of Space…

The Universal Body Being, IS LITERAL…

The Way the Human Creation functions is how the Universe Operates.. Universe Nature Existence Creation… All Expression.

And THAT is the Mother Ship which Jean Ann Dortch line represents and her Daughter Line Lisa Natalie Johnson…

J.L… Lisa Johnson… L.J… 12 10… 22….V.

Bed 4-6…Quintin meaning 5

Bed 4-8…Nicholas Wittingham… Nathalie Wood…

So yes, the Mother Ship is the Entire Creation in which Human was given the Stewardship to fuel and move the Mother Board to its point which is seen by the Universe Moving to a Point…

All Science shows us that… But where…?

Evolution to meet the Father Ship of HUE MAN already Evolved…

Expression moving link with Energy through Embodiment..

E E E.. 5 5 5…

But all is Expression… Beautiful…

But in this case, Expression become muddled by people moving from their Natural State and Natural Streaming…

Moving away from their Natural Seat in which from that seat with Hindsight Foresight, they would be able to hear and listen to themselves… E.A.R.S… And Hear, what is naturally streaming out of them. and that they DO KNOW why they are Here, but they had to learn to LISTEN to the E planted in them.

And the Eternal Evolved Exquisite… Ethereal… understand the Elements and the Elementals.. because it is the Source of ALL.

Instead, in this story expression became so separated from its Blue Print and foundation… That a Gap a Chasm.. a Literal Void manifested.

Called Non Existence…

And it is there that the Mother Ship was pulled into by Human Unnatural Expression and even worse, not taking Responsibility of their Expression and Even taking pride in being Viscous Evil Cruel Malice ridden Power Drunk… And so they manifested a World in that Abyss where they were now pulled into by the Gravity of their expression which manifested the True Predators, Alien… Horrors Abomination manifested by YOUR expression and stance about what is Existence..

The Blame and in this Non Existent space Anything Goes…

Means Anything could manifests…

Abomination beyond imagination because Humans were creating it and powering it and they were the expanded mirror reflections of these Expression…

And yes, they were attacking the Mother Ship. The Universal Body…

And then it grew powerful enough to even attack being seeking out Universal Father O.e…. U.F.O. E…

Esther Ufomadu

Esther Uzoma..

The Father Ship of F.S…Feelings Sensational to destroy .. how ambitious.

It thought by sending out an S.O.S from the Mother Ship being attacked ( She ..It was… but this was a Hologram a play which the Human idiots not all… and the Evil Abomination they created took themselves to seriously as well as their Value.. That was their Conceit.. their Arrogance that they felt they mattered… What mattered was only the Truth.. the True.. those who were understanding the Play… Those are the ones I came to Harvest…

All was the Play… A Lesson in Responsibility.. Expression… R E…



Anyway, of course Nnamdi answered the summons of Mother…

N.M… N N A M ..D I…. Notice for letters were missing….

N.A.D.I….I DAN?…NADI..INE… NA DINE.. Father Dine on them Eat them…

Father the Great White.. Sharks.. Killer Whales.. Yes the Abyss in the Bottom of the Sea.. Code Titans.. Titanic… Selfishness….

Actually the code is I. DNA… I DAI… I..Dna…I.D..NA.. I D N.E…

I D M A N N… E….

And dragged me the I D… MAN Natural Expression… Emeka into the mix..

Into this play which was meant to be Nna and Mother…Understanding that they are one…

Anyway… Enough…

M.N… Middle Names… as in What links Heaven and Earth…

Outside it is Air… Space…

Within it is Breath Space…

A.S… B.S…. B.A S S ..E E…. The BA.SS..EE.. B.ALL…

( Yes Base Ball has the Code Play…)

In my bio Family.. it is in my sister and brother Nnonyem Nnamdi…

Ijeamaca… Obiekwe….

Ikemefuna Ndubusi… mine and Oboom… Chukwuemeka Oboom…

Bio Father Obiekwe Ikegbuman…Onuabuchi….


Siblings… I…I O N… Add Stephan Alejandro Victor Eric…


I found out the name of an older dude who is very chill last night and always sitting where I sit…

Alejandro… S.P… 93…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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