
From Kristine Baluba

From Kristine Baluba

At Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell home

On the DE.Ck outside where I work and the play is acted out there is a small statue of Buddha on one corner..

And in the other corner there is a Turtle…

I saw a Golden lights Yesterday especially when Donna appeared outside,

before that I was seeing Mauve Violet Indigo lights…

Elephants called Enyi in OINri Igbo..

code name in face book play..

Enyiagu Afam Samuel… From the Wilderness of Memory I come, My name is S.A.M..U..E.L.E..

The Name of God, the One Who is as God, G-Ode


Elephants Symbolic of Memory..

Ikenna Iheanacho I am still here…The Strength of Father is what they Desire

There is the crescent Moon…Diana Atermis- Apollo Devi…

Alpha Omega…

Jonn Blackwell showed Donna and I some pattern from a Wall which he had removed the Vines from which revealed a Pattern..

On a grey cement bricked wall..

Donna O’Sullivan saw so much from Dragons to Angelic Winged Expression…

I understood later after the Michael O’Donnell posts and equation I just worked on that the wall represented passing through the Grey Matter of the Brain and the Bone of the Skull…

Reason Mind Character…Intellect… At Lass La! 8..A.T..L.A.S.T. R.U.E…

The Younger, the Victorious E, the Victorious People…E.P..

Elizabeth Palace..E.P

Nouveau Cinema Paradiso…N..C.P

N-Central Park…

C.P…Consciousness Plan-E.T

3+16…(Chocolate Deck Letter C…2O16- Setting (Venue) Date..



R-19 Basement Ceiling B.C..E…

Where I sleep…

19..1O..J Area 51…64..88…1 O..ONE-E,N,O..Brian

O.N.E.B…ON 52..

Meaning twas not about the B-Ones…Bones…

But Activating through Expression…

Oh yes, on the Wall which even I could see was the code A.O

Alpha Omega…

So you see it was never about the ancestors..

But going Back into the past to rescue the Family of the E

through the Stories and Legends they incarnated to bring the Species to this point of the Do V.E..Do.V.I.E…Evolution..

To Rescue their Truths and their incarnation of the 7 Sees, and the 1-5 expression of Landing…

7-5…12..3…35…8….38…C.H…11..1..K.A…24 X..6 8…14 5 N.E…48..12 3..32..5.

L.C.E. H… Lowest Common Expression -Harmony

C.H.(I) KA…The E-Spirit is Greater

X Expanded A-O



E.I..59.. 1

14-5… 45. 9..2O…


29…11 18…19…1O…1O1 11 1…

B.I. K. A.H..S…!!11

Alpha T.H.E.TA Omega Alpha…

K is A..





The Soul is Greatest and the Soul and the Chi are One note


Which arrived out of the Blue..

The unraveling of the Beautiful Truth of my Family,

The Family of Myth, Legend Antiquity…

The Originals

Family of EE linked to the

One E..

E.O 5O C,Park.

59 Street

E.I merges with I.E.

All over the World 2 Ritz…Montes…

Room E



I Wall

I Maturity…

I F-All,

6:38 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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