
From Kirsten Roberts.

From Kirsten Roberts.


Written by Peter Bragino.

I present the evidence of my code

Planet Beauty

Reflected and Embodied by Line of P.B.

But I have one correction in ths Beautiful Expression of the Two Reps Supreme of the Humane Hearth.

Planet Earth as

Father Nature Voice

Alive in his twin


Tree Sage

Is that we did not come to serve, teach..

He just sent a message .. getting better more refine, almost there..

We came to boogie, dance

The Dancng Wisp, Blade

Northern Lights

Aurora Borealis..

Supreme Dancers

We move and all Creation Air Space Expreses ..follows .. Mirrors our pace

And that is how we move the World..

Try and break down the Boogie to a Science as you forced me to do, to prove existence was created for one purpose

Shagan N P R.


To Celebrate and that is the most beautiful way to give Prayer Praise and Thanks Givimg..

Enjoy the Gifts of Creation

Love Lightness and Laughter

And in all things a healthy dose of Mischief..

And Spice – Mayhem.

And then you will never forget

The Meaning of Existence

I Dance



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