
From Kiera Brown… K.B.

From Kiera Brown… K.B.

Of course, it makes sense that the codes would also come through Avatars Descendants in the guise of Sex and Desire….

Bilal Khan… B.K…./ K.B…

I do not have the Human Descendants Avatars hang ups or hypocrisy about Sex or Desire…

This is a Script which is cleaning all that nonsense up…

After all Earth Creation Nature is Sex and Desire….

My last face book friend Latisha Randall Wilkins I was her 7th Face Book Friend, and now I am Keira’s 5th…

7…5…. G.E…/ E.G…. 7 is 8….

Those who have been observing the nature of the Play with the Universal Simulation using the my codes to communicate, the progress and the intel.. as well as the nature of the play of my Talking to the Silence… Death…. Transformation and End, ( Dne…Dna… Dnea…r…Evolution transformation of the Dna to its correct sequence Dne…/ End…. Evolution Extinction )

G.E…. 7 5….

/ 5 7…

5:07 P.M.


Expression Graph… i.e…

7 is 8…

I am affecting Nature by using Naturalness…

E is the 7… Note.. Do Re Mi Fa Sol Lat TI-Te..DO…. Ti Re…T.R..U.E….

R.T…Right…. Robert Tom…Twins…. R R… 18 18.. 36…360…O…E…

R.O.Y ( Yellow is Really Gold.. Yellow Brick Road)

R O Y ( G) G B I V R….V.O….ICE….O.V…E.R…. and OUT…

5:12 p.m.


Robert Lisa Emeka…

Frank Robert E Emeka Lisa….

That is who are sitting around me.. Frank is standing…

R.L..E…. …


Latisha Randall Wilkins…. L.R…W….Double V.. V V.. 5 5.. E E… L R…W.Double .E.E… L.R..W..OO D…E E….4 55…

Dee at the Food dispensary was leaving as I came down, she had finished her shift and saw me, too late for lunch, she exasperatedly lanced You better go to the guys…and get your buns..

Anthony Moe Eli…A.M.E. who were seated in the Mess Hall..

Anthony started calling me Buns because I always ask for Rolls Buns rather than the sliced bread…

Buns of course is slang for Ass Cheeks…

And so it became a running joke with the guys…

She had never used that term with me…

But the truth I have been complimented on my Buns my entire life…

often too much…

My phone is on.. 33 usd paid… 33 is the code of likes on my phone…

My phone number is 917 5 69 6455….

A I.Q…E Milky Way… M.W..Man Woman 69…( 69 is 15..O Full Circle… 1+5=6…Sixth Sense. The Ether, Dark Matter of Space is made up of 6th Sense… and the Space called Air.. is made up of Expression Energy Embodied Exemplified Light… E E E E L… 5 5 5 5.. 20 L… T.L…

By Existence… T.E.L…N.U…M.B…E.R..S…Not NUMB…E.R..S…Emeka Robert Steven by constant shocks to my system and body…. My system of Expression Harmony…. C.O.D.E.S….

Thus Air is T.L… 2012… 32… 5… E.. T.L.E… And the Matrix T.E.L…Numbers… T.N… 20 14.. 34.. 7.. Nature….1-7…/8…

And combined.. T.E.L.E….7 is Age of Vision….

T E L E V I S I O N…

Taina Vasquez… T.V….

The Human Body is Television…

and that is the Space within called Breath….

Thus we have three .. Space as Sixth Sense….

And Air as E.L…EE…E E is The Same 11… E.K…. E is L and K…

Lisa Natalie Johnson and her B’EAU…Kelvin….

E…L.O.OK… E.L.. is Light of Sixth Sense and Energy Light..E LOOK S…

and the the source of the Sixth sense and the Energy Ethereal Elemental… S.E.E…E… LOOKS…

* K.S…is code

Kerem Sanliman

Kemi Sara…

Is from within… called Breath..Natural… Expression Breath..Breathe…

N.E.B.B…N.E.22…add Naturalness Expressed Explained… it becomes

2 2..4…+ N=14, 5=E… 19..+4…S.D…

Tiffany Dawn Haynie

Tiffany SD… Tiffany means Manifestation of G.O.D…

19+4=23…W…Double V…VV… 55..E E…

N.E.S.W…V…. Full Circle 1 5….A E….Sixth Sense to E…LOOK S EE E…F…. ( 56… 11 1….A…. FA… A.S… 1 19….See sacred Portal 119…1 +19= 20… T… A S T…



Code Lisa Natalie Johnson sent me today..

10 9119 0 704…..

Time now is 6:00 p.m.

10 is The Elegant Nomad… T E N…

9 119….0..O… I wrote The Elegant Nomad in 2001… 21…

( Jean Ann Dortch 55+155= 210….)

After 911…And I wrote about how it is sad that only disasters seems to remind People of their Humanity…

I was at Staten Island.. S.I… With a person who suffered double amnesia… named Donald… A Harrowing Horrific specimen of a man after conquering total loss of memory…

I was sent there by a Jamaican Family who owned two restaurants on 14 street, one was called Bamboo…

The Papers I use, which represent the Sensei… See the power of Bamboo.

It was there that my Passport and Luggage was all stolen…

6:06 p.m.

A. Santana whom I was led to after 61 days in the Alley was origins Puerto Rican… Erek Eclass Mateo who I do some much work with and who was from this area that I was forced to return to and who took and took.. but never gave… Is from Dominican Republic…


Erek Ebright lives in Miami…

See the Path of the Hurricane… Hurry Cane… H.C.. 83 69…

N.E.S..W. North East South West.. ( N.E W.S)…

A.V.E… ( David Roman.. D.R.. Nicholas.. N…U.E)…

S E E … E LO OK…S I.S… 9119…( See sacred Portal 119…A.S…See sacred Portal 9… Elemental Goddess Fair OH and Son.. F.S…)

SE E E L O O K..S… I S… E A S T ER… F A S T ER…


7 0 4…


E G O D..E.. I..

Latisha Randall Wilkins…. L.R.W… R.L.W… Double V… V V…

L R W..D..E E….. L.R…W.OODS D EE…S…

Luke Robert

Will Woods W W.. 23 23.. 46… See I.E.

There is None whom has given me respect and honor as the Source, not Lisa Natalie Johnson not my Sister brother..None..

But I have given them Everything…

The one Elected is my L line.. but she comes from me.. Luke Michelle… None have done anything by themselves…

L.M… 12 13.. 25… Y.. Is me…. not the one you are loyal to..

And so the Line is Elu despite the play being a lie and cheating using my Energy and Expression…

And no praise, no, spreading the NEWS.. Of my presence in the World… Nothing but self gain…

I honor the play and the Script of the Evil Ones…

Because the Line has earned it… but not through Honor.. and gratitude and appreciation of the Source…

Yes they loved what I did for them, but could not see me..

Jean Ann Dortch Fey Mirach line of my Mother C did… does…

and my affection remains.. but I was used and manipulated…

There is no one.. no one in this play I forgive…

And yes, the F.L..M… B B…M.B… M.V… Line are safe..

But i have the F.I.L.M…And I have written it…

And thus, I withdraw from all of them except the Fey Mirach line og my mother C…

Respect the Source…

Unless you prove that you are better…

And can Equal what I am and what I have done…

6:30 p.m.


Full Circle…

First Contact…

Have your Mother.. She is Safe…

I go forward with None of you…

not even the Ones Saved by a cheating evil script….

6:32 p.m….

I trust none but the E.. and the last stage of E is Embodiment Exemplification…

Which each will be given the space to do and become…

But when I am gone… so far far from you all..

I will See F.C…F.O… my Mother line because out of All the Family she and Nduka.. my Uncle suffered greatly for being loyal to Me…

Even though none of figured out my true I.D…

I saw they cared.. for me when no one else…

That at least is the beginning of True Love…

I have loved and seen and shared…

I have no regret for those I loved fought for but I know none here would do a fraction of why I did for them for me… if there was no some self gain…

6:36 P.M.

I am the Source…

I am not Stupid…

Latisha Randall Wilkins..

Wilkins Razor… Sharp…

I cut the Connection…

You who are True who I loved…

are safe not because of you…

but because of me.. my love… a memory of what you were and now come to to being… because of me.

That is my parting gift to you all..

Joy to the World…

But without me…

But I promise you all you will miss me when I am gone…

This I did for love.. not because of some Evil script of Mother Daughter.. Father Daughter…

I am Father Sons… F.S… S.F…

6:40 p.m.


Ha! I am the Witch Doctor!

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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