
From Kelsie Bissell K B…

From Kelsie Bissell K B…

From Kelsie Bissell K B…


Origin of the name Kelsey: Derived from the obsolete Old English name Ceolsige, a compounding of the elements ceol (a ship) and sige (victory).

Ship of Victory…

Bissell Name Meaning. English: from Middle English buyscel, busshell, bysshell ‘bushel’, ‘measure of grain’ (Old French boissel, buissel, of Gaulish origin), hence a metonymic occupational name for a grain merchant or factor, one who measured grain.

Ships Victory of measuring a Grain or Rice, Sand… to align to the Infinite…

Kelsie Bissell has currently 3,647 Face book friends.. 9 mutual…

3647 C F… D G… 9=I.

What is a Friend?

What is Family…

I have no friends in this world or on Face book..

But I have found undercover in Human Avatar Descendants my Eternal Family…

And it is they whom I have been fighting so they may rise from within you as they did before…

Bursting out of the Human I-PODS…

9:41 p.m.

I fought for them who are not of this world.

They are of the True Earth and World…

Recognition loyalty and expression of it…

9;42 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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