
From Kele Chi.

From Kele Chi.


6:54 p.m

The Disease which has corrupted the World

Self Entitlement

The product of Inequality.

I lived in Nigeria 30 years ago, from High School to University..

I witnessed this over and over again first hand.

It saddens me, that 30 yrs later this has not changed.

Perhaps this is why, I had to complete my E Quantum Equation by proving

Energy = C M.e 4/3

Not E= M C 2..

It was backwards and not complete

E = C M e Squared is 4..at 3

To end this inequality, injustices and predatory nature fueled by Envy Jeously and finally hatred in which there is no equality..

Unfairness which has plaqued the History of the World.

Kele Chi..

Thank the Holy Espirit

Harmony Energy

That I with the Eternal Family

Undercover destroy this Uneven Field so Unfair and which has created such Rage and Revenge and this Mentality, that the World has moved to its true playing Field

A Fair Field

And destroy the only playing Field which brought Evil Seed called Selfishness Jealousy into the World and Consciousness of that world.

7:04 p.m


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