
From Kathryn de Mente

From Kathryn de Mente

Link Kathryn Elliott Kuhn K E K..

The name Kathyrn we already know means Purity and links to the story of Hecate the Great Witch.

De Mente means

*Mente Name Meaning. North German: from a short form of a Germanic compound name formed with magin ‘strength’, ‘might’ as the first element, for example Meinhardt. Dutch: topographic name from Middle Dutch mente ‘(pepper)mint’.

South Africa says the name Mente is of Xhosa-African origin and means SOMTHING BEAUTIFUL.

Meaning. Muslim Meaning: The name Ajmal is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Ajmal is: The total. More beautiful.

Raja means Meaning: Hope. Sanskrit Meaning: The radiant.

as well as Ruler.. King

De Mente also mean Of the … French Mentir… The Lie

A Grass Hopper has powerful mandibles and can consume and bring devastation and destruction…

It has armor..

Strength…power and might…

Grasshopper in Pinocchio.

Little Grasshopper: Sensei and student…

Thus the name Kathryn de Mente… K D M…

Linked to K E K… Kathryn Elliott Kuhn whom I met chez Akil Apollo Davis in 2011 along with Rachel Rachael Devon Rios Sessions…

K E K.. Emeka Kolo full circle.

Becomes The purity of the strength and might of something beautiful, Total completely.. The Most Beautiful… One Radiant Hope and Promise- the Ruler.. of the Lie and the Mask…

The Breath so powerful, fresh air…Beautiful Expression Truth.. B E T..

Consciousness Harmony I.E… C H I … E..

The Lie can not exist without the Truth, but the Truth can exist easily without the Lie.

Truth has no duality.. it is full circle.. there are no two sides… just different point of view.. but only one View which manifests the fact that there is only one Truth..

8:55 p.m


Rays McKayla license number… 1 44 555.. 6… 1 8 6.

A.H..F… Facts

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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