
* From Kasper Lomholdt Serup – p

* From Kasper Lomholdt Serup
perfect … Hersey Gossip.
P I.. SS * See sacred portal the two Beings representing the Two sides of the Isosceles Triangle – are pissing in sacred portal 45″
P is Perfection/ Plan-E..T/ Planet…Truth =Transparency…
Y E S… R E… H…Harmony…
P.Y.. Planet is the Y… Tongue of the Serpent Dragon Z Portal…
H G.. 8 7…
MW87.. Milky Way Classification code by NASA…
Yes Kyle Murphy he is the one I was speaking to you about whom you align to…
He is from DEN MARK…
And yes Mark was here…
E D E N M… A R K…
E – ODE…. N O M E… E AR K E…
Listen Hear…
She listened to the Forked Tongue Testers…
“Your are Supreme Planet…
Power of OHNM…
And she believed the lie, because she wanted it to be true…
Planet is Y.. Male Chromosome.. and The Two He and She Beautiful Devils knew this…
See sacred Portal 90…
8:04 p.m.
Sacred Portal Star Man and PINE APPLE..
N E W S…E Y O R K… Robert Kolo…
K R O Y, E.S….WE… N…Natures Expression Truth… N E.. T..
T E N.. The Elegant Nomads.. 2001… 21…
Reflection in the play… K R… Kyle Murphy Randall Michael
K M.. RM…
K .. MR M..Are the O.. Full Circle of my the completion on the play…
Rooms 5C Bed 26…. Room 2 C Bed 009…
See sacred portal 26…
and 9…
26+9= 35..
C E…
Paul Franklin of bed 3-005 Before was brought back to Delta.. I saw him
Micheal Jordans 5 usd.. Reeboks 3 usd.. 5 3…
Paul Franklin means the “The Free Persons Little People..Naturals.. Children who retain the Frequency Vibration
F V..
Fritz Venneiq.. Pelham Park… “Nature Boy” of Naturalness…
Fritz mwans “Peace.. Peaceful Kings.. Peaceful Pledge
Vennique.. See what it represents on Pin Interest.. PI..
Make Up…
Life Style..
V E…N N… E.. I Q… U.E..
8:16 p.m.
H P…
HP Stream Computer… Paradise Blue…
8:17 p.m.
H Q..
Harmony Quantum… Quintessential…

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