
From Kalimat..

From Kalimat..


Kalima The name Kalima is a baby girl name. Meaning Muslim Meaning: The name Kalima is a Muslim baby name. In Muslim the meaning of the name Kalima is: Speaker. Mouthpiece.

The Six Kalimah (from Arabic ???? kalimah word) in Islam in South Asia are six significant parts of one’s religious belief, mostly taken from hadiths (in some traditions, six phrases, then known as the five kalimas[clarification needed]).

The first of them, known as the ”kalimat tayyibah or word of purity, second is called the shahada, third tamjeed, fourth tawheed, fifth istighfar and sixth is called radde kufr. Recitation of the six kalimas is taught in Pakistan and other Muslim countries’ madrasas,[1] but it is rare for average Pakistani Muslims to be able to recite them all.[2] Conversely, religious leaders are expected to be able to recite them, and the Pakistani Ministry of Religious Affairs in one instance earned political criticism for appointing as head of its Council of Islamic Ideology a man who was not able to recite them.[3] Riaz (2008) records memorization of the six kalimas as part of the syllabus of grade 3 (darja saum) education (i.e. taught in the third year of a five-year course) at the Deobandi school Darul Uloom Deoband in Uttar Pradesh, India.[4]

SAIM means Meaning of Saim Saim is an indirect Quranic name for boys that means “one who is fasting,” a person who gives up pleasures for the sake of Allah. It comes from Saum , fasting.

S… AI M… Supreme AIM…

mai.. Supreme .. May iS 5.. 5th Month.. E

11:56 a,m

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