
From Jonn Blackwell

From Jonn Blackwell

Bill Withers…

The paying of Bills withers the focus and attention on what is really going on…?

No more sunshine when the Joy of life seems to be gone..


He my nick name when I was a Youth was Sunshine…


P.S 107 F.B friends


See Sacred Portal 1O7..


Snake is the pendulum

It takes in the poison of the world and then as Paul Attreides, it has to be transformed..

The poison you take in from others Expressions instead of giving into the lethal Poisonus Expression you transform it into the waters that of life..

This is what I have been exemplifying..on Facebook…

Taking the Poisonus experience of my life and each encounter, and transforming responses to my efforts to bring to the world attention what I have percieved and Understood…

And instead of going into the pit if despair by the response and the play, transform this into understanding that the play was designed for me to exemlify how All have Humanity are affected by what happened to the True Nature if the world and people..

Through my their venomous Expression I had to see beyond it (not take it personally)

And thus, see it as a riddle to solve of all the things (poison) which people have absorbed..

Once I identify the riddles and what the person is really saying, by going to the root cause of such venomous expression- and what it correlates to in the bigger picture in our society which is reflected in the news.

Aligning the play I am in with a person and the event which is Manifesting at the same time in the world which correlates to the Seed cause of which I hear in the persons I am dealing with…

I solve the riddle link it on Facebook and then wait for the Echo response Affirmation from Beyond.

1:OO pm.



89…H I…

1 O…


O 18+18= 36…3+6=9…I.O…

And thus, Venom is transformed to V.E ..Nom

Victorious E Name.

MON E Victorious

My E..Victorious..

It paid the Bill of the withering Poisonus Venomous Human Collective Expression of ingratitude for Existence Life..

Emmanuel Luna..

Played out by Jonn Blackwell and Aryana Leon Luna..


Balance and of Being of All Full Circle –

From Poison to life giving fresh water (Brook Elizabeth B.E…Tom J Brock)

And from Water (Transparent Knowledge O)

To Wine of intoxication (Bliss… I.BE!)

The Boogie,

The Gathering…

Of Family….

*1;13 am…A.M.


Be 76…

Sacred Portal 76.. The Awakening


Victorious Expressing


The V=5=E

1:15 pm


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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