
From Jonn Blackwell

From Jonn Blackwell

I Blame Coco…I.B..C

The codes here and intel here are so much that I will not even go into it..

Too much work to explain right now, but most older facebook friends should be proficient enough to read them…

But I will give you this, I sleep under a picture of Sting where he looks like a Rock God..

Coco is a code in the play, I met a woman who is the model of sacred portal 1O8..J.H…A.O.H…Called Coco..

Coco was the name of the dog, of my former Host at 268…

Coco Channel…Fashion Designer F.D..64-46..First Drop..

Cocoa Brown Channel…

Earth Channel…

Body Channel…

Large Intestine..

Colon Channel…

Rites of Passage


Break Down…F.D.Food..For thought..Evacuate Toxins Parasites…

Baby Steps..

Baby Food..

B.F..2 6…Z Beauty….

8..Harmony for the Children of the Full Circle-

Eliot Sumner

Meaning Jah, Fire, Jehovah is God the Summoner…

We all must answer the call of Nature..


This is the example of Power of God,

none can refuse the call..

Of your True Nature…

You must release..the pressure..

And Lighten…The Load..

Express Evacuate..







Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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