
From Jennifer Lynne

From Jennifer Lynne


I just shared a post about who really house a right to tear unstable buildings down..

Builder, Architect, Planner, Engineer, Road Maker, Pilot And Navigator..Mapping The Way Home, Outside Within A.L.L.

Code in the meaning of

Aryana Luna Leone


B.A..P.E… R.M….P.A,N…M.T..W.H.O…W.A.L.L


Its a message…

Ba means The Individual, the Unique,Personality..

RM of the Room in Space of PAN, at the Mountain Pan-OH-Ram-IC

View…Of the View of the Full Circle of Everything…

Who is the Wall…?

3:35 pm

There, my Harmony aligned with Time has responded..

3 3 5..


I. am…

*Speaking for my Truest Original self, undercover in this Emeka character I am acting within right now, The Lad, The Boy,

I briefly come out from undercover, to speak on my I.E’s behalf since we are Proven one, and I, unique for I as Emeka, the Hue-man, am Its Source.

But I am representing the Wall, the Portal, and the Orbital..

It is represented in the Consciousness I embody, exemplify and explained for 45-46 months and 14.9-1O years…

The Wall is Death…

For Death is the Truth…

All Die…

But to End or to D.N.E transform..

All depends on the Individual…

And the Body, the Human body is the Library..

for in it is the Blue Print of Existence and your Individual Existence

…A map if you will..

What is indented on it is the Story of your Existence,

and the Route you chose to follow…

The Physical body is a building,

a Monument and Temple of its Designer

The One who owns the Paten for designing it and brining it into Existence to House Human Spirits of Nature as Nothingness

evolving to the perception, that with that Nothingness,

there is something after All..


Another world, another realm..

And the Story of how It got Its name.

The Beautiful Truth of Existence

And why the new Law Of Love..

Is that there is now a Great Wall

Separating the Beings of Truth.. the True.

And the Lies…

One Door leading to two possible outcomes

all taking place in an Unseen and Seen realm

Invisible, yet clearly Visible with the Naked Eye…

One to True Life…

the Other to Existential Death,

where that which could never be,

and those who sustained that which can not be,

sustaining it from the beginning of that consciousness being allowed as a possibility, to come into Existence to prove its supremacy by challenging the Truth and the Authority of the Author, Creator, Being Divine of Existence…

Tis these consciousness sustained despite constant divine acts of Love from beyond, which Sees All… of compassion and patience beyond belief which must leave.. and all those who sustain their existence by feeding on that consciousness..

Must go to act out their truth until that truth proves them out of Existence until they are no more…

This Wall, built is purely Symbolic,

a reminder, Monument to remind All

who do Exist…

What could have been,

and nearly was…

And really did not happen.

In case in the future..

Any one chooses to forget…

that there is a fate much worse than Death Transformation..

There is Death whom Humans made so Cruel…

The Murderous Bloody thirsty Vampire..Feeding off Life and the Living…

those who forget the Gift given of Grace and Favor of living in the Space Room of Light..

Planet Earth..

Plan-E.T-Ruth…E ART ARK..S.P-ARK Harmony E…

3:58 p.m

4:O1 pm

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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