
From Jason Williams

From Jason Williams

I saw a comment Jason made to me,

I paused and did not wish to respond and explain and expand and clarify.

Too tired and been through that conversation as my older Face book friends and this Long Long script will testify.

This Idea of a man and an image..

Is it true..?

It is an Ideal of a Man and is Doing and Being which the Artist sought to convey.

He is Unique.

And Individual.

He has no counterpart or equal but himself.

But he is an idea.

People are Ideas.

They live and exist by the Will of the Source Light which authored them.

The Source of that seed, the nurturer and eventually the Harvester of that Seed.. It fruit, His Intention… his design, his plan.

That is what is His…

What remains, which he does not claim,

it Its own being which can fade decompose or, having paid attention to the journey of being the Host of the Seed, then Room mate Pupil and finally.. set free when the Seed now reached its fruition joins with its original Awareness .. Its Harvester.

And that which remains…

Has learnt, graduated.. and the Harvested seed depart and the Two who were really One who is real…

The Other a Shadow, graduated must chose now to become, be and do as that which has left him or her had become.

This is the Nature and truth of my expression, my family is that E originally planted.

The Gift of the Creator Inventor Designer is that the Host of his Seed does not have to fade into oblivion but can chose to follow the blue print my recalling all his her lessons by having hosted the seed to follow the same process of learning to create and consequently gain his own Identity…


I came to Collect Harvest my family of I.E

Who rise during the event that I alone have sustained because it was created by me, just as each of you can or will create, embody and be..

More than an Idea.

More than being a Jacobin The Bible story who usurps and even grasps at the heel of his brother, seeking to drag him down into Darkness while he the intruder, usurper, the lays claim to an ID not his…

Esau.. Esaw,

Cain and Able… Jealousy which arose from an idea of one brother being more beloved than another.. but only one was real…

Cain Able Seth Eri… C A S E Y.. Yes Hues Ah….

I came on the computer very very reluctantly…

Francis F left a seat vacant…

I did not come to it eagerly…

I have so little I wish to say… There are very few who understand what I am saying, and doing and those are the ones who have followed for years, read the post gone back.. most are quiet.. because that is normal reaction and response to the 5.8 month of evidence I have provided.

But eventually I ate finished my dinner and taking my own sweet time,

my elation of the completion by the true understanding of the the fact that 7 months ago while in room 5 bed 56… N D…14 X4…56….30…

Yes todays date… 56+30.. 86… she had contacted me in perfect harmony as she and all my immediate bio family had proven their innate harmony.

My rage rose once more quietly and my disgust with the forces had managed to keep me ( in natural harmony) to not see this or have access to it, even though at that time I had made an effort to open my Hotmail account…

The implications of this is beyond anything I could have imagined, just as this script demanding, forcing me to play such a role using evil as its took to get what it wanted.

N.D.. 14 4… 18… R…

Francis is still in room 4-018.. D.O R…

R is really Robert meaning Famed Bright Shinning . O.L.. Of Light”

Not a Reflection usurping the I.D of Its Source…

What caused Jealousy.. that first seen of Jealousy…

Age jealous of Eternal You..

The Body aging decomposing jealous of the Immortal E-Spirit…

Cain and Able…?

Seth- Seth McBean…

Stephan… Crowned … Steven is the correct name…

S.E..T.H.E… ( S E E T H I N G .. I am… Sea Thing.. Sea Monster.. from the Blue La-Goon, Shape of Water… does the evil of this script of the usurpers ever stop… do not answer.. it does not…It had to be stopped)

Seth means Placed Anointed’… Christ means Änointed chosen one

C.. C.O… See meaning Guinness’.. B.R.C Assessment Shelter…

Stephan means Crowned

So I sat down, wearily, warily..

I saw that Francis had left a page open for me ( at least his E-Spirit did)

It was about the Architect and Urban Planner Christopher Alexander…

Christopher Wolfgang Alexander… C.W.A..

C A.. 3 1…

C W A…3 23 1…

Cecilia Wiebers.. C.W… David Roman Nicholas..11 22… Nnamdi… Alexander.. A N D… DNA…

Christopher Alexander in 2012

Born Christopher Wolfgang Alexander

October 4, 1936 (age 81)

Vienna, Austria

Nationality American

Alma mater Trinity College, Cambridge

Harvard University (Ph.D)

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

University of California, Berkeley

Occupation Architect.

This is what I studied in University and what I did my thesis on in university a 5 and 1/2 year professional degree..

( and a 19, 000 loanfrom my Grandfather which was loaded…19=Letter S, which I found strange.. it came to 5000 pounds in those days 1988..

but my grandfather had been a multi-millionaire and had never been made me sign me aware that his sponsorship of my University education was anything but his love for his first grandson.. whom many sad he favored me more.. than many of his sons…)

Why this is relevant is that I began to suspect that money and my signature in the ledger had been used to bind me to the OINri Story…

And the thesis on the Nri an the full circle which had generated a great deal of interest in what I had put forward.

I found myself being moved by an unseen force, a meddling force of ancestral origins I could read and see it through the people and portals I was passing through especially when summoned To the U.S.A.. A Country I never had any desire to live.. visit of course, live… no.

I could not believe that this family or he in particular and his line who I knew were supernaturals, had gifts.. serious gifts and who were of the spirit world and not of this world… Would do such a thing…

A slip of tongue by my mother once…He is a Evil Man..”

My mother and grandfathers love for each other was legendary…

yet he had let her nothing in his will… to my amazement..

What had happened to him.. who was this man and what had happened what had my mother understood or seen that had caused her to utter those words.. just once.. but it was enough…

As most of my older face book friends will recall my recounting that he and his brothers energy followed me everywhere when I got to the States where many of his children live and grandchildren.. and where he had come before leaving this world..

I knew he had come here to open up a portal with his body.. a Way…

What had they done… What have you done.. ? a phrase which has burst forth from my lips unbidden on the path on the way through this script… No one can ask this of anyone.. not even of God…

And then meddle with the Eternal Truth, the Awakening Evolution and the Harvesting and rising of the E line.

Christopher means “Anointed.. The Chosen One… A.T…C.O..

Wolfgang means Path of the Wolf’.. I am born the day of the Wolf according to Celtic Lore…

Alexander means Defender of Man… but what is a man?

He is not a Spirit… nor is he a Shadow…

A Father Jealous of his Son..

A Grandfather jealous of a grandson…

Cain and Able..?

I have lived that story already with my Father bio… and brother…

And of course, I suspected and knew with another him, too..

Jealous of the Chosen One… What is the Chosen One…?

What does it mean..

if not a unique individual…

or a sacrificial lamb…

Lamb of Christ in a distorted version of the Book of Good really the book of Evil…

The Bible…

Good was its original intention… Evil is what Scribes men women turned it into…

I opened up the link a bit further…

It is under the Title MYWAY’… Or the High way.. really the Hi Way…

H,W…. Y H W…. W H Y…. Y A.H. W E H

I flashed back to an article I read today in the New York Times,

a new movie of Anne Ryands Fountain Head…

F.H… 6 8.

* i found another Christopher A Alexander…

“Christopher A. Alexander, PC (born September 9, 1968) is a Canadian diplomat and politician. He served as Canada’s Minister of Citizenship and Immigration from 2013 to 2015. He represented the riding of Ajax—Pickering, in Ontario, in the Canadian House of Commons from 2011 to 2015. He was defeated by his Liberal …

i Had found myself travelling years ago to Vienna Austria- I had not intended to go there…

I met two men in what you might call Supernatural conditions on a Bridge.. I knew then…

Nana was my girlfriend part Japanese part Austrian..

I have the number of the Canadian imigrations office I was am about to call to get out of this play..

We have Canadian citizen ship as landed immigrants…

The publishing house in France who I recounted what took place here..

Called Lafont Publishers… Fountain..Head.. in french…

Then to 1987 University and my girlfriend Mary Jane part American.. he name also Adaola Jewel of the Sea….

And how I was presented that book for the first time reading Anne Ryand and horrified at being seen by my peers on campus as Howard Raork and Mary Jane as Dominique…

I was angry disturbed… who cast me us in this role.. even how Mary Jane and I came together was a set up.. I was full aware…

And then I read about the culture of Selfishness.. but what I grasped from that story was something totally different than others…

* Alexander is known for many books on the design and building process, including Notes on the Synthesis of Form, A City is Not a Tree (first published as a paper and recently re-published in book form), The Timeless Way of Building, A New Theory of Urban Design, and The Oregon Experiment. More recently he published the four-volume The Nature of Order: An Essay on the Art of Building and the Nature of the Universe, about his newer theories of morphogenetic processes, and The Battle for the Life and Beauty of the Earth, about the implementation of his theories in a large building project in Japan. All his works are developed or accumulated from his previous works, so his works should be read as a whole rather than fragmented pieces. His life’s work or the best of his works is The Nature of Order on which he spent about 30 years, and the very first version of The Nature of Order was done in 1981, one year before this famous debate with Peter Eisenman in Harvard.

Alexander is perhaps best known for his 1977 book A Pattern Language, a perennial seller some four decades after publication.[11] Reasoning that users are more sensitive to their needs than any architect could be,[12][13][14] he produced and validated (in collaboration with his students Sara Ishikawa, Murray Silverstein, Max Jacobson, Ingrid King, and Shlomo Angel) a pattern language to empower anyone to design and build at any scale.’

A Pattern Language…

I had studied advanced Pattern Cutting at St Martins College of Art 1989-90…1977 is when as a family we moved to Nigeria…

The Morphogenetic Process…

A city is not a Tree… ( hear Hear!)

The Nature of Order… 30 years… NP.. 14 16.. 30…

The Battle of the Life and Beauty of the Earth…

A New Theory of Urban Design….

Murray Silverstein… Allen Murray Silverstein..

Sara Ishikawa… S.I…Max J.. Ingrid King..Shlomo Angel..

I know these people similar names I passed through their portals here to Israel…

Israel Cotto

Isreal Ekpenyoung….



This why I am angry, mad… outraged the power of the meddling.. the horror done by the Dead the Ascended.. those living in the Spirit World…

I should not be solving riddles now…

There is no Reflection in the Mirror.. that is a temporary mirror story…

Reflections are in the Heart Being True Mind….

Reflections are on the Nothingness Somethingness..

Susanta Nayak SN… SINE is not on water.. it is Energetic…

Good Grief…

C W A..

C A A…

That is the True Howard Roark… and the cult is not of Selfishness or Selflessness… NONSENSE…Or Why…

As I began working on this post Dawyne Samuel came over and gave me a ‘gift I had given him some money to get… days ago…

He waited until I began this.. bed number MO.E…

Meaning Of Existence…

And now Jamel of bed 5-003 who has been sort of avoiding me.. yet staying near engaging loudly with others..

He began rapping to me, from across the room as I began to post…

I yelled at him.. his espirt.. Leave me in Peace Bee

And just now, he walked up to me with his tibetan buddha hat looking like a model a student and a trickster said… Now I Can leave you in Peace….

Each to their own, but in this instance it was not that…

Each was claiming usurping because of the abomination of this Script being allowed…

To become real.. Solid you cannot claim me.. I can claim you as Beloved Family because I have the evidence embodiment proof and the Universe Existence respond Yes Confirms..

That is the Anointed the Chosen One..

Each must make their own Waves.. follow it to the End until it become solid and real and then and only when you can say my name as I have said all of yours.. can you make a claim… not mine… not usurping mine.. but that of your own..

And then you can call me Beloved Brother.Lover… Truth…

THIS IS ME… this image…

U F O..E…

No one else can make that claim.. unless they can offer evidence which Existence L A D Y E C H O… M O E… E C…H O… Responds before All even on if contained in a forum such as this for the moment or to certain individuals… Yes.. Truth.

1;11 am.


there are certain things each must do on their own and no matter what you claim there is nothing which can be done to change the Eternal Law.. of Be.ing


Robert and Laurent Lafont…



18 12.. 30.. C O.. M E… H..E

1:13 AM

ENOUGH Spirit world…Evil Spirits Demons.. you do not exist.. I have no desire to say this convince illusions of this anymore for the Clarity of those who I have no great desire to bring clarity.. not this way.. not when bound… because it is a Lie.

1:15 am




Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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