
From Jack Baxter. J.B. 007

From Jack Baxter. J.B. 007

From Jack Baxter. J.B. 007

For Poetry, Love and Death.

When some one moved from Poet Gentleman Lover to Beautiful Assassin

G. P.L. B.A

It is not because He or She is Bi Polar

Or Schizophrenic…

Rather it is simply because it is time to be that..

A mother is loving but boy can they get pissed off when we push them too far intentionally Phew!

Same thing

Watch the Planet and All Creation and Their Creator pissed off

I know I am and once the problem is dealt with we are still assassins but also Loving Beings to

Mr and Mr and Mrs Smith.

That is not bi polar having justified rage for a Virus especially after seeing the damage it causes others .

L ike a Bug we destroy it summonings a will and determination so it never rises ever again,

Assassins Creed

AC. 1 3/ 3 1

Beautiful Death B. D

Bed 4 B

James Bond

License To Kill

L.T. 2012 32. 5. E K

1.19 a.m


Abderrahinq Semlali


The Most Compassionate Holiness of Reknown

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