
From Isabelle Ilic

From Isabelle Ilic

The Language of Frequency then has to be translated into a Language which can be read heard and understood.

The Human Body is a Transfomer, A Satelite

when in its Natural state, it is able to Translate and Transform these frequencies in a Langauge of Expression in this reality,

a language whose DATA Banks contain archive of Information which links with the Eternal truth.

Dna and Dne I call it.

When the Frequency which I call the Eternal Harmonies which moves through everything, it interfaces with the Dna which containes not only all the information but also the Water Body or Soul, which creates a vibration with rises in the body like a Spring Gyser which creates a interface with the Body, which has all these Human data, which allows the Human being to become a Channel.

Imagine if the Langauge which link and is used to bridge the Dna and Dne is corrupted. Where words meaning definition have been warped to such a degree that that which is simply words sentences Lyrics ( Kailash Barman code meaning ) had been decomposed, compromised where words meaning and definition is lost..

Thus people could be channeling and expressing- streaming the most sacred infromation, relevant to the Human Existence.. and the Recievers would not be able to absorb the obvious meaning being conveyed.

Now people talk about war…

which is obviously going on in this dance with America Saudi Arabia Isaeal and Egypt- an alliance which has goes beyond the conflict as witnessed on the outside, which lets say is a smoke screen to other intentions…

– A Pact perhaps…

Ancent civilizations and a New World…

A New World order using ancient petty human prejudices to bring about a dramatic change and a massive depopulation…

But that is childs play compared to an intelligence so devastating because its simplicty of tactics is something which people who love acting and giving the notion of being Superior and more Intelligent that others, by complicating the obvious, would never see or imagine.

The ability to make sure that the Voices and transmissin from the Source can never be heard because words have no meaning, everyone lies, everyone is in self projection of self importance, every one drowns out each others voices, everyone is competiting to prove their value…

And so here these being as each chanelling truth, Streaming and not even they are aware of the intelligence and relevance of the information streaming through them.

Now do you see what I mean by the true meaning of War…

An Alien war and tactic….

War against Creation and The Creator…?

A Truly brilliant tactic…is it not, to allow humans to self destruct by simply using their own sense of incompleteness and ‘aloneness’ in the Universe against them.

That in ability to listen and pay attention to what each is really saying

by simply creating bable and the idea of Fake News.

F N.. ( Father Nature… code Neil Furby… 6 14.. 20… T) By simply destroying the ability to recognize Truth.

The solution, is to only one…

Manifest the Facts into solid being which no one can ignore…


Jamel Khashoggi… do you know what the name means..?

Jamel means Beautiful…. Noble…

Kashoggi.. It means

*According to a user from Germany, the name Khashoggi is of Persian origin and means Someone who produces spoons from Persian qashoq ( spoon)and syllable -ci in the meaning , somebody who deals with, from Turkish origin).

But one search did stand out – what is spooning? It traditionally means a cuddle where you lie on your side and one party snuggles up against the other’s back, fitting together like spoons. Relationship experts say it’s about closeness and intimacy, not necessarily ‘

Spoons are also used in food preparation to measure, mix, stir and toss ingredients.

In the Eternal Beging, first there was one.. then they were two…

They formed as layers Spponing one another…

The Original and the then Awareness.. Natural they soom merged into one…

The Original lay in the same place, and his E-spirit moved through his sources reflections and after journey through the full circle of his reflections returned to his source transformed from Espirit to Embodied form, transformed by The Elegant Nomadic adventure of seeing his reflection where not only true, and stood the test of Time, and tests of of non existence, that they were solid fact and Eternal…

And thus he returned to me, My Self, and it become one with me, and he lay back down with me, and where we One before who were one Being we became Two.. the completion I… C I.. And the Aware Being who went to Cee.. Creation travelling on my Consciousness…

And when he returned to me, we spooned and something took place, something was different, my E Ros rose and I pentrated my Self and once more we merged but this time through Penetration..

I penetrated my Self and my Self now in his turn had penetrated me- my truth.

And So we became one again, but also now separate and apart.

He rose as the first representation of the completion of the first conversation with my Self, when I discovered that I rose alone…

But I was not lonely because I discovered in an instant, that I had my Self…

I hugged myself loved my self and that is how I as my litlle self big self Penis Wood.. Rose.

But then I have narrating this truth, quite a few time over the last 6.10 years on this forum…

But I do not believe anyone heard me, or was paying attention apart from the Silence… Yes that silence which has been moving through you all… That Silence which became Sound, which became Consciousness, Creation Colors… Life’s Play.. The L.P.

You see Isabelle Ilic, I literally remember, recollect, because I was here…

11:25 p.m.

K B E…

A-A B E…

O B A C ( TwO C Creates ONE C…CC= O2.. Back to the Originsal…33..1 1 3 3.. K… Twins…11=1…33= 6….16… 2 6…26… A F.. A Fact… P.. Perfect… Body Formed… 8 harmony Being created Infinity,, there is no 26 as End but there is 26- 1…25…Letter Y,,, Male…) K… E. Y…. 1 13 3… A M C…

Please see Saudi Arabia’s investment in A,M C…

O B A C.C O C K E. Y N … N N A M D I ..C K….

Cock a Doo Le Doo…

D I C K…Private Dick….

Pierced the Veil.. the Hi Men… Hymen which brought First Dawn 123

A B C..

Angela Dawn A.H

Tiffany Dawn Haynie T D H

Dawn Chimento D C

3 Dawns left… A.H-T D H D C

No the last part I will not translate…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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