
From Isabelle Ilic

From Isabelle Ilic

I I. = I

E N 665 E V. was the first car she read, because it was holding up her journey so she paused to read.

( That is how it works Universal C 21 3 is seeking to get your attention to pause and take note)

She decoded the Message perfectly

But I added more detail

Front back

Full Circke moving numbers to letters..

Grounding them into this 3D Reality and linking it to what I posted yesterday.

Farmers.. Cosmic Egg

Cynthia Eze

Synthia.. Synthesize Intergrate..

Water.. Oceans Lakes Rivers Stream of Consciousness until a Shallow Brook

Water of Birthing..

Water of Life

Provides Nourshing Necessities

Nadee Nakandala Justice Law..

E N. Sacred Portal 5. N 14..

Evolution Nature through Naturalness

66. Sacred Portal 66

Emeka Nnamdi Fair Field.. emerged from the Pit of 66 to the Fair Field of Elysian Fields

E F. 56.

5 V E. E V E

66 5. 17. Q Quantum.

Victor E..

My name’s

Emeka Nnamdi Victor Eros..

And this one

E Z ..

Emeka Zeus …

(Emeka Jupitor)

566 F M


M F. 665. Z E.

Michael Frazer birthday yesterday he was a big part of the play in 2005 when I returned from Agusta Georgia


1 -7


1 7. 8.

E Z. See the play with Zeus the Cat of Brooke Lee Lemery

Three Mice ( Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy..

Of Mice and Men)

1 dead

1 Hurt

1 well..

1/3 Will be O.K…

Zeus- Greek..

Jupiter -Roman

David Roman Nicholas

Cecelia Onuaabuchi Umeano Kolo

11 22 1968.

11 22 1947

68. Golden Ratio aligned to myself 68/86.

47 align 74 aligned to me and all Echoed by and in Brooke Story blue car.

Thunderbolt Zeus

Three brothers Hades Posidon


Z. 26. =8

H..Hades of the Underworld Hephaestus..

88. 16.

Poseidon ..

In Roman

Roman Dusenko

R D.

They Built Roads..

Jupiter Neptune Pluto..

5th planet 8th and 9th.

5 8 9..

That is the play Greek Roman


Golden Ratio


E Z thus is the Greek play

E J is the Roman play

Both are correct

But E J is more correct

Emeka Jesse Macias.

E Z. 5 26. 31. 5 26..5 8.

E.K J.M.

E J. 5 1O. 5 16. E P. 5 7. 12. 3. x. 35. 8

3 8.. C H. 11. 2. K B. A A. B.

K A. .. A -A. A…

I am age code 51. And Eternal Age 33.

566. E F. F..

Eternal Family.. A Fact..

M.F. Masculine Feminine..

The Way is to anchor each code on that which manifested in your story and one can see this in the Script..

I had no control of Kelsie Bissell arriving and meeting or of Benjamin C. Krajewski

Or Andrey Klebanov E 8

This is what forms The Script.

T.S and as each component is recognized and converse merge emerge..

What is resolved through Conversation observation and Exhange is what we move through as the script until it rises

As it did with Tree Sage and Serenity

Hines Hines..

Ness Hines

Natural Harmony

Nathaniel Thomas Bywater -Harmony ..




J P N. .. 10 ( 1O) . 16 14. 40.. 31.. 37..

Z H P. … 26 8 16… 50.

J Paris New York…

Z Harmony Perfection..

J Z. 10 26. 36. C F. 1 O 26. .. 27 .. 27 is the one I walked on and went through the Portal challenge of Christopher Filgueira..

Fliped it to 6 3O passing through portal of Sarah Kaizer.

36. 9

63. 6. 9. 15… I O. 9 6. 15. 6.

9 9

96 69


I and I

F I/ I F.

F F.

12 3

3 17

4.17 p.m

Delta Quantum

1 17. A Q. 18. 17.

2 17. B.Q 19 34.

3 17. C Q. 20. 51… 71

4 17. D Q… 21. 68. 89…***.

This where I had to equate to

The 4th Dimension Quantum Transformation

I am at 68/86

Brooke Emeka…

1989. When I began My Journals

5 17 …22. V. 85. H E…. M..Manifests

The Car is Silver

Code on it 206 T F

E Z 5 66 F M.

E N 665 E V

5 66

66 5

E N. E V

E Z. F M.

E E. N Z. ( 67 67 46 B. My Social security number)

E F. Eternal Family

V M Venus Mercury. Victorious Manifestation

Venus Mars..

2 1. B A

2 4. B D.

I was in room 4 B.. D B/ B D.

So the one I walked through was B D .. 2 4/ 4 2..

B A was the past or as Wave

Sacred Portal 147 B A .. 127 A B..

While the 2 4/ 4 2. 66. The Present actuality

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