
From Isabelle Ilic..

From Isabelle Ilic..

The Process of Nature…

To link and move on that frequency

and to go even beyond it and master it,

to prove that mann is its Creator…

I am 79 likes…

I have not had time to check them,

I have been moved by my body, and the energy in me which like a wave is fighting inside me ( Literally ) Physically manifesting through a tug of war of what appears to be dominance to create merging.

Nature is represented as the play of Numbers.

while Being is represented by the play of Naturally being…

Meaning-Words, Sentences, Stories, Lyrics Flow Waves.. Manifestation.

This is not my Play of Script, it is of something which is playing Creation seeking to understand The Creator.

This play of Numbers having to align to Being, True Being so to as to create a merging, and a new body emerging from with this form is insane. It is insane because of what has been done to words meaning sentences stories lyrics the flow the wave of consciousness which brings manifestation.

All have been perverted and the Human consciousness and Cee so defiled by their experience of being in Existence.

This has been the game I have been in, something which is to imagine that such a thing could be taken place…

But It is.. and it has been going on in what you call the Spirit Realm, I call it mind, because mind is traveling the mystic realm of the Shamans, the ones who have mastered Natures frequencies or tapped into it.

It is why I kept mentioning who as sent to bring to New York was a Shaman.. called Durek Verrett, and how through my life these mystical being had been always around me.

And I how I was not interested in them or that realm because all that is real to me is the Eternal realm and the present… the literal present.

I also spoke about the ancient ONri people of my maternal ancestry and how they were able to manifest through expression- use of the Word. But I knew it was because many had understood the full circle and when you are able to do this, you exist outside of the circle because you can see everything.. The whole story … because you can read it and in reading it and understanding it you are no longer held bound by the story, like a book, you already know how it is going to turn out and so you have an advantage over those who have no idea of it, and so they are inside of it.. are they not.

These being who are called Ascended Beings or Masters in this reality because they are able to move inside the story and then leave it, appeared to be as magical beings to the Ignorant’ those caught in the story and cast in roles in which was original designed for them , by themselves as E-Spiirts to understand the process of Creation Naturalness’s Reflection… Radiance… Colors…

7:05 p.m.

75… Did you see that, the pause and the time being aligned?

The time reveals that which i am in Harmony with and in this case I am in Harmony with the actual play I am speaking about Nature…

Physical Nature… 7 Continents and 5 Oceans…

It links to Rainbow … 7 and if you merge them it transforms To Transparent White Light…

This is how I know that I am in perfect harmony with the Script and the Play, even if I despise this play if Nature…

5 is Expression.. E.. 5th Chakra…

1-7 is the Rainbow story,

7:10 pm…

7-1… Which is how manifestation began from Infinity or Magic.. True Magic which is not the Ascended Beings…

Magic is the understanding of Infinity.. The ability to bring from Nothingness Somethingness Solid Fact manifest before you very eyes…

As they say Out of the Blue which is of course through Expression which may not necessarily be the Word… expression can be silent..


The so called Ascended beings, did not ascend when they moved out of the Full Circle.. the Orb…

they found themselves contained in a square…The Frame…

Circle and Square…

Kyle Murphy spoke about this… Delta and Pi… Square and the Circle…

Sacred Portal 53 shows a E.T Harmony Female emerging from the Circle and the Square…

Which is represented now in Isabelle Ilic at the end of this 6-10 years…

The ascended beings were trapped in Space .. Outter Space..

Death as the Mystery which they had not understood.

To leave that realm of the DELTA Quadrant, they had to understand the mystery of Death, and the mystery of Death- Transformation is the understanding of the Universal Harmonics..

Harmony.. True Magic .. The Source… The Creator.. and Creation…

* Neil Armstrong.. ARMCO…

Neil Armstrong Micheal Collins, Edwin Buzz Aldrin

is a code … N A M .. C..E… A B…

It is a code of how the portal out of the 4th Dimension could be solved…

E N A M E…. C E… A B…

If you could not align to the frequency of Space… And not just Ouuter Space but also the Point of the Full Circle ( Circumpunct) the Point of it as well as the link called the space in between or the Pause…

AKA… In and Out of Breath… I A O B… I O B…

Life and Death… L A D… 12 1 4… 17… Q..Qunatum..

Then all you would see would be Darkness and Death.. meaning the door would be closed and you will find yourself stuck in outter space wandering the stars.. A Giant Planetarium, and stuck in Limbo as Memory .. The legend of a Book… or Ghost moving in ad out of the idea called life…

You see, there is no Life and Death.. They are One…

17.. Q… 1-7… 7-1… 8… Harmony… O.. Full Circle…

7:28 pm.

Yes, I am aware of Kyle Murphy presence and frequency…

I saw him and Anthony Manino as I left Delta Manor.. they were right there when I looked up strolling down the street…

And when I turned to towards the direction I saw Mark and Cleveland

And the first person I saw today was Kassim Victorwho came back early and stayed until I left, then I saw Lorenzo…

The relevance of all this, is the meaning behind it read through the spirit realm which is by linking what happens down here in the playing field of this physical reality..

It is all happening in teh spirit realm of Invisible realm where all manifestation passed through before manifesting here in the 123 process A B C..

( But actually that was just a break down created to understand the process the truth is all is E… 555…O5…

All One… 555, 3 5 u.s.d dollar bills is what I was given yesterday… and 5 cents in change…5 5 5 .O5… E EE OE… Do you see how the play works…?

And you can see, that Something’ set all this torture up so that it could see and quantify how it is all done.

It did not take my word for it, it wished to see it demonstrated proven through its own terms and rules…

One might say that it is a E.T or a Supreme being who does not trust Human Beings because of their deceptive nature which this script keeps pointing out to me…

And perhaps it was stunned and shocked at how I was able to access the Eternal realms portal in 1992 at age 25… 26… 27 in Dec 1992…

How I did it so easily and naturally…When they could not do it.. the so called Ascended Masters… Trapped in the Frame. the Picture… The Stillness.. like the painting in the Harrry Potter School of Magic…

They could not die because theu were already dead but they could not ascend either …

Tapped in Life and Death A B C.. Because they had not understood the process of E,E E….OE…

they still say thing through the idea of separation.. Mind Body and Spirit, The trinity… Strange is it not that the answer was always with them.. Look at the code for the letter Y… it shows a Trinity.. Add a full circle around it and it looks like a Peace Sign…

ARMCO… Obviously, this world does not wish Peace- at least these Powers moved by the so called Ascended Beings..

How could they want peace when look at what they have done to my body, to my being by using the Orb.. Cardinal Direction.. C D…

Look at the play and deception used to get the knowledge of how that portal opened for me and how they could not open it and pass through…)

The number 79 which was what I saw I reached. i was observing the whole thing, the number of likes and when I would finally have a moment to check them and thus dissolve the numbers…

79 is the Blue Print of Existence in my Sacred Portals…

It shows two aspect of the original man.. by they are the same being .. In this Spirit play they translated it as K… 11.. Two Beings.. separate and apart because they see all things as Separate.

As I began to post and write, it moved to 80…

7-1… that is how the colors manifested from 8 to 7 6 …5…Expression… Beautiful Expression… 5.O… there was no 4321…Not really for the E..

-It was our coming into a play to manifest the possibilities we wished to explore on a stage…

4 is 1… Stage where we Express full Circle and Move back through 5O.. to 6 78O… Home….H.- 8… O ..M… E…

It is that which is Nature 69… Inverse… 96.. which moved through 1-7.. Really 7-1… 7 brought Vision..of Peace and Harmony possible.. IN Creation… but it is through Expression the 5 See’s..

Ocean which are one.. O7…

Time now 7:57 p.m.

Ogonna S Omocrafts

Kachy Ihem

Chibuzo Okolo

Angela Dawn

Busayo Alonge

Esther Uzoma

David Powers

Ejaz Saim

Amy McTear

Roger Attaway

‘Emeka Anozie.. E A…

Kyle Murphy…

Sarah Lagrange


This is the play I have

This is the play I have been in.

8:01 p.m


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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