
From Isabel Ilic…

From Isabel Ilic…

H O M E… H O M M E…

She sent me this along the some words when she courteously sent me a message to be accept her facebook request invitation…

In 1998, I saw every things like symbols and I recognize the same in your words.

Sorry my english is basic.

Sacred portal 98 is Diamond Hearing… D H… 4 8…. 12… 1200… 3…

I saw a little boy with his parents with the number 98 walk past me as i sat on Taylor Ave having no desire to enter the play one more day, this game.

-where free will is taken away by the Power of the Gods Illusions which Humans created themselves which was meant to be the 1st and Highest See and state of Being in the Play as G.. 7.. Ti..as in seeing the whole picture to a T.

98 is also I.H.. Infinite Harmony…

The idea of making Gods of your own actual self already Existing in Heaven ( which I have been hearing everywhere today…) Harmony with ..

7:04 p.m right now…

G O D….

I understood and understand exactly where we are in the Play…

RecalL Clara Star child… C S C…3 aspect and Unity Boom 7th Aspect..

See the alignment of Kyle with his Aunt Gwendolyn King.. 7 11.. and the date he is getting his New York I.D…

Meaning 7 11, Seven Eleven.. Spirit Energy… S E E R… ( Yesterdays People Play ) Always Open A.O.. As I understood and gave it Its designation in the Script..

A Seven Eleven is always open 247…

It is also the venue we I used to go with my siblings to buy candy when were kids… and was our first experience with Open 24 7..

It was also our Phone number in Canada during the same time..

Ah Look it is 7;11 p.m right now…

See what I mean?

Anyway, I sat and observed that my internet connection was on, but shut down as if a mind of its own ( it does it is being manipulated)

I was staring at a sign saying Money – while two men who come and drink there began to speak of Heaven. Self Awareness.. even one stating how he had gone there and been given a chance to come back and their being portals…

I saw the MONEY…A code I had broken down many times ( I break down the assigned meaning to recreate it back into its meaning which I have embodied as the rep of the E)

Then I realized backwards YEN OM… I had broken this down before, but with the Billy Hung Play… which ended up revealing a Money Power play…

that the Yen as Power was actually the challenger in this play.

The Chinese Yen… which is then converted into Dollars… C Y

Y.C…Yuen Chen in my Room

The correct code of course is Y E N O M ..E… Y E..H O M E…. M ON E..Y… E H O M ME…

And that Om is a Sound Vibration from a Individual a Mann and is contained in all People which if they can make it rise.

represents that which manifested all Creation.

Snow Flake.. ( John Snow is Revealed to be John Sands… J S.. 10 19… 29…)

*Today is 6-29…

The Doctor who died is Alexander E… E A/ A E… States that this is the sound which he heard resonating through out the Universe.

The article below speaks about the how the sound of own creates these perfectly symmetrical forms…

Just as the Expression I am using (Silence and Sound.. Typing my intention and expression on Face Book and being compelled to speak to certain designated people in the frequency which I have embodied and vibrate on…

This from Merlin Charles… M C… See Sacred Portal 9. C M.. 3 13… My China Phone…

The Power of H.O.M .M.E… It is in French which means :Free Person:… Mann…

And the Power of O.M… It comes from Home… Harmony in Perfect Symmetry, Full Circle Man Manifests Everything.

Man as the First Creator.

It is this which I have been doing by demonstrating how people everywhere even in the shelter… In America to Africa all around Everything is moving in the alignment of my Expression- despite the constant meddling…


Origin of the name Merlin: English cognate of the Welsh Myrrdin, a name derived from the Primative Celtic elements mer, mori (sea) and dunom (hill, fortress), therefore meaning sea hill or sea fortress. The name was most famously borne in Arthurian legend by the magician helper and guide of King Arthur.

Charles means Man.. Brave Manly

But since my phone is a ZTE Govt Phone a company owned by the Chinese…

And Billy Hung is Chinese American Taiwanese…

Yuin Chen in bed 4-017.. And is the only one whom it would appear now all three of us are having with his presence disturbing the balance in the room- though not necessarily is fault persey-

( but the real problem being identified as the Catering and Cleaning company employees of the Ambassador company who do not clean well, are lazy, and dirty themselves in how they treat people in the shelter and themselves…Meaning that I would state that it is not the Chinese at fault for the Power Play of Money and Materialism guiding everything – polluting original intention..

I would suggest that it is the Ambassadors of Cleaning Catering….who have abused power…

Not all.. These ambassadors are those beings who are meant to be Examples…Guiding Lights to others…

About how to be clean and Courteous.. are instead catering to the needs of that which they quietly despise.. polluting the RM… Space.

7:44 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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