
From Herry Lang

From Herry Lang

Someone whose name means Settlement by the Rivers Source showed me a similar image yesterday,

It reminded me of the story, later confirmed as Fact from Echo response Affirmation outside of me, of Jah, and my recollection of how the first Child-Man was born.. And his Feminine C..

Really what is Magic, but Magical Thinking which children have..


Until they begin to believe that their words and expression have no effect of Physical reality..

And then the magical thinking leaves them, and we say the persons has grown up, and accepted that life is this lurid mundane.. struggle.

But this image for me is simply the story of the Full Circle, and the Fire in the Center, is as the story I recounted of the First Expression of Anger, which transformed a Being into the Animal Nature..A Black Panther, intent on destroying the Source and meddler of the Beautiful Story of Creation…

But on reaching the source of the Illusion, the Youth who became the embodiment of Death and Destruction of the lie..

Observed the Child man, felt that he was alone, an unlike the Beautiful Youth B.Y…Who first rose with Extase Bliss.. E.B..

This one rose as the Illusion.. Fear.. the Beginning of Humanity and the story of the Human body…not the E.B..Eternal Being…

This child man-Wooman, thought that he was alone, and had manifested Fear and Confusion as its first expression of Being in Existence..

And the Beautiful Youth, who transformed naturaly spontaneously into the Embodiment of what is now called Death…saw and understood…

And he transformed back into a Youth, but contained his true Beauty, so as not to frighten the man child..

And decided to stay awhile with the Man Child…

And converse with him, and talk with him..

And so was love borne…

1:13 a,m.

But the Eternal Being, was on his way to the Completion of the Embodiment of Existence Creation (E.C) his twin…

When he paused to converse with the Illusion called the Man Child-Woo-Man…

And so when the Story telling and conversation was complete…

The Eternal Being, stated that it was time for him to go…

And the Man Child became cruel, and mean for he did not wish the Youth to go….

And so the Beautiful Youth..put the Man Child asleep into the Story which he had told the Man Child…the one he called Nature and Nothingness

And the Story was and is the Evolution of the Human Species..

When you have decided what is real and what is not real,

when you have decided who you are, my beautiful Beloved or a Demonic one moved to rage and anger when not getting its way.. and after experiencing the results and consequences of the two sides of your Nature… And Nature…

I will return to you,

And I will welcome you to my bosom as my beloved if you have chosen to be the Eternal Truth.. Having understood the Eternal Law..

And if you have chosen the lie.. Then I will cut you from my heart where I have sustained throughout this illusion of TIME…

And you shall be no more.. for this is the meaning of breaking the Eternal Law of Existence.. Harmony…

Which I know that you saw…

And So I returned…

1:22 p.m.

And I am shocked by what I have seen…

But also proud of the Beauty I have seen within…

But which is you…

Decide.. The Beautiful Truth…

Or the awful terrible Non Existent Lie..

Be Beloved..

1:23 p.m.


That is the mystery of the Center of the Circle..

Pierce through to its point….

And that is Death as it really is.. The story of a Beautiful Transformation….


or your kinds, E.N.D

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