
From Heather Hastings…

From Heather Hastings…

I love this…

And I Love this Dude…

Heather Hastings is Back….

Just before left starbucks, I took another Coffee..

The code number on it 686…

Which anyone conversant with the codes understand that based on the Script which has been about proving 6th Sense…

Represented by myself and Flip J Hendrixs, and now a new Line of the family as Peter Nyarkô line reprenting Planet Earth..

Planet E aligned perfectly with the Plan E.T…

I looked at my computer and realized that I had two facebook friends requests which would then alogn perfectly with the number on my Coffee… 6 86… 10 86 Facebook Friends…

But I observed that Harmony.. ( which can allso be defined as that which Makes Sense..Common Sense… Ease Symmtery…)

I coud have hurredly pressed accept on the two, but that was not Harmony, no to rush when I knew that I had a certain amount of time left to get back to the Shelter…

So I left it…

-Knowing that it would be in Harmony if and when I got back…

When I got back, I could have used my phone to accept press.

But instead I observed my rituals, I spoke briefly to Randall who sat alone on the round tabl, as I heated my coffee casually noting the number and the people present… 13 in the micro wave, and Pierre was seated on a able opposite Randall also alone…

To the other extreme sat Karl and Markus..

I went down had my cigarrette a ritual I do to ground myself each time I come back from Starbucks, pausing to transition into Delta Manor…

change of dimension – frequency purpose.. But not really since I know I am aligning them..

Pierre joined me down stairs but we exchanged not a word since most are aware of my routine and that I do not like being disturbed and those who do- ignore or they see a side of me whih responds to that lack of courtesy…

I went back upstairs after desiring to stay longer but uteering ( muttering to myself ) That they want me upstairs”- I did not fight the pull I felt which creates a disquiet in me..

I wanted to chill abit longer.. but I also had to get my dinner, left overs…

( punishing those who did not eat with others.. me.. I noted it but that is all)

I usually throw away my coffee, but decided that there was enough left to share…

I walked upstairs and Edward and Randall were eating a Chinese Food meal which I had noticed that Edward seemed to buy for Randall each might…

I poured asked Karl if he wanted some coffee, he said yes, Mark-Us who was seate besides him streched out his cup but it was dirty, so I simply gave him the remainder with the Starbucks cup, and went and got my dinner from Nicole, my case manager who was on duty…

I noted she was wearing pink and that her energy EMF was low..

I enquired if she was alright…

She said that she was fine, but tired because they were short staffed.

I asked her if she was aware the shooting in here home town of St Louis Missouri..The 17 year old A.W.R ( Austin W. Rollins… A W A R E..But missing the E…1 5 .. A W A R … I use Raw Papers and after loosing my lighters yesterday I bought one for 50 cents from the Arab place and then last night a lighter from the company RAW was placed on the TV if anyone wanted it.. Paulie, code 48. 49 who just came in, greeted me, and took a seat to my right, I had asked to hand it to me… I knew the code… R A W…E… / W A R on E…

I am sick of War.. Raw… But see sacred portal 50..Ego Oge Gold Bullion.. The Bull which Peter Nyarkô was wearing as a Baseball cap yesterday…Ï am war! is also written on it… If you want war I will show you war…)…

She said no, asked me if I was aware of the school she named one.. I said I could not recall but that she would check…

I went to heat my meal, and then Mark us called out to me, You are my brother… … You have done more for me than my brother who would not even give me a cup off coffee as you did..

You are my brother – each time he said that the Energy in me rose despite myself and acknowledged him….

He said that I was Tall and Elegant…

But that his brother was tall elegant handsome, bout his things at Sax 5th Avenue, wore rolex watches but would not give him a pot to piss in…

He said that I was more like his brother… again You are my brother!

all the while Edward and Rolland sat eating their meal at the table as they had done every night…

i responded, that that was not Elegant…

He responded about being bitter with his brother for not helping him, he called his brother Jose… Jose is the person whose bed I was took over…

Randall had taken over the bed of Tyler Law who had taken his own life…

He is a Lawyer…

Jose whose bed I took over and who was given my bed and who ran from it is a con man who calls himself spiderman- he looks like a Spanish Sean Connery…

As I watched through my chill minds eye the entire play…

I realized that I had acknowledged Randall and Pierre.. P.R…

then I had given Karl and Markus coffee Karl thanked me, but Mar- Us. spoke up. asking me where I had been and then expressed gratitude for the coffee and then really for everything…

He finished with .. You did something to my mind, you opened something… I smiled…

I ignored Edward… not intenionally I simply had no desire to say anythimg to him… It was more like he did not exist…

I then realize now in Hindsight that the most Elegant person out of the People present was Markus Vera… M.V…

Maida Vale..

18 Mountain View…

Roman Numerals M.= 1000… V= 5… 1005.. 105, 15.. O… A.E…

A W A R E…../ E R A W. Awareness…

13 22… 35… C.E…

To Bring Harmony..Infiities Consciousness in the World…

He was born 1989… as Flip J Hendrixs….

I acknowledged Randall telling him at one point that I will one day tell him about the person whose bed he is occupying when I was in that room..

and Pierre… both men Elegant in their own ways…

R.P… Then Karl… but I gave my cup to Marcus.. Ah.. the micro wave…

R P .. K M… Kim Marcussen…

R I P… E.K.E.. M E…Python Anaconda…

RIP the Selfish to Shreds…. M…

M.K… P.R… E.T….

When I got upstairs I offered cookies to Francis who gave me the code of Terrible Death.. J.D Jr… 104… 1018.. 14… 28…

!:28 p.m… Flip J Hendrixs is me as Consequence like my Son Song younger brother meaning I was Peter Nyarkô age 22 when both Sha-Ron Addison, Markus Vera… S M… A.V….

i offered Don and Jean… Oh! Shoot… D/J…and then to Williams…

D.. J W… Jamel White…

/ W .. J D….23… 104… wow..!

Then I waited for the computer after eating dinner…

and when I finally got on to computer, there was only one Facebook request.. the other had vanished…

Meaning instead of 1086.. it is 1085…

And it is Heather Hastings..

H H.. 8 8

Who was here before as a friend but left and returned… She used to share my post..

My coffee which Peter Nyarkô and then with the money from Flip J Hendrixs each time brought the number 688…

Peter Sha-Ron… Nyarko Addison…

P.S… N A,…. Perfect Symmetry… NA.. änd in OINri Igbo…

1:41 A.M.

P.I… 3.141…59 26 53 59….

It was a test… a test of sixth sense… And so only now that it has been solved.. the 6 88…

That we move to 686… share Shared with Karl and Markus…

“The number p is a mathematical constant. Originally defined as the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, it now has various equivalent definitions and appears in many formulas in all areas of mathematics and physics

I had the coffee.. so it is Emeka… Karl Markus…


There are now 14 Likes…

I prefer the Evolutin of N…. to the N…

So Evil cruel mean…

Williams Mutefu W.M… 23 13…36…./

MW….MW… Milky Way … MW 87 Designated by NASA.

MW Designated by myself as the code of the Script…

You may recall him, as the man from Congo who is here ,

and who has been through a great deal- but who carries himself well and goes to Work.

He had is the one who experienced the personal tragedy which reminds us that the conflicts going on all over the world.

I would also like to remind you all that the Scramble for Africa and its partition began in the Congo…

The scramble for control of resources in Africa by European Nations who decided to divided the continent into the current countries, naming them, with no respect for the peoples and the ethnic groups which they were dividing.

They expressed the strategy Divide and Conquer.. Divide and Rule…

While I was speaking with Jamel he sen me an image of the last White Rhino ‘Sudan passing away and thus ending the last of the Species- despite there being two Female white Rhinos still alive.

I did the code quickly, the Rhino is actaully the true Image of the Continent of Africa…

The Horn of Africa.. if you rotate the Continent of Africa around- Its land Mass- it looks like a Rhino.

The Chinese believe that the Horn of a Rhino contains magical mystical powers.

Though science of the West, states that it is merely Keratin which is the same substance found in nails…

But what it actually represents the the Magic of Africa… Literally..

the magic I have been fighting…

In most Äfrican cultures people are painted with white chalk to denote that they are no longer in the Physical Material world but are living in the dimension of the Spirit Realm… The Astral Plane…

Flip J Hendrixs bought me some cookies, I offered some to Francis ( who just asked me a question Do you know what I am interested in?

Ï said what..He said absolutely nothing…

Ï said that that must make your life very interesting…

Believe me, I understand what he really meant but I do not really like to indulge that sort of expression…)

He said no because it reminds him of a person called Cookie.. James Dolan Jr..

I read the code- J.D… 10 4.. that is my sacred portal called Com E Pass me, Terrible Death…It is linked Orientation .. North East West South that which moves us..

say the power of the Earth as a Magnet…


I was once told by an man downtown from the mystical realm who I had never met, he scoffed at the power which he felt I represeneted and said that he had met the Great Witch of Africa who can place objects on a Leopard Skin Rug and then cause those thing to animate and effect people in tis reality.. Move them with out being aware.

He went on and on to recount that which She could do and that which the Great Witch Doctors and Wizards of Africa and the world can literally do..

… I posted his expression here on my page…

He said that he bet on her power any day than mine.

Do not get it twisted, I learnt as a youth to not scoff at this powers when I went to Live in Nigeria.

And I witnessed first hand such things…

And I will remind you all of what the German Scientist I met, and recounted here, who spoke about the power and the respect the West secretly had for the African Witch Doctorsetc…

The Knowledge they possess he had stated is way beyond the western science….

Nasa uses that knowlegge.. It is simpl ancient knowledge…

Äfrica – America possess the most ancient knowledge of the World in Time… So it is not suprising…

This power of Africa or perhaps better put of the Äncients, is the power of which theu continualy added as the World progressed…

While the wes having cut from its ancestral ties ( but of course, not the secret societies) they cut out a whole Library and foundation of Knowledge…

I was looking at some of the most danegerous animals, fish and insects, spiders in the world many of them located in Australia as well Africa…

All of them I recognized as Frequencies… Power which originate from the Spirit world- since They are the manifestations of the Spirit world. And from Energetic Signatures…

And thus the Magic and the power of the Ancients came from understanding the sources of these expressions not only animal but also environmental….

The Locker art which I have been posting is based on this principle but from the Source Expression – Energetic as to the purpose of all this Wild and Dnagerous…Extremely passionate Creatures..

Yes Wiltz…. Will T Z… The will of a Truth to fight to the End.

Humanity coats so much of these creatures in fear and in the idea of the power which they have, a great deal to illicit fear…

But they each served a function a purpose beyond that ine aspect of their nature which the Human Species sought to exploit…

12:21 a.m.

The Animal world is represented by 6th Sense…It is moved by a Harmony and 6th Sense… And a purpose which it can not articulate but to which an observer can understand is to adpat and evolve .. refninng itsefl being and existence and the single minded purpose to Evole.. adapting not to mans presence but to the very changes and transformation of the planet itself….

And who and what is directing the planet…

I believe I have already answered that question…

The Guide… the Blue Print of Existence… the Universe and everything, moving evolving to the point… Finesse… Refinement of purpose and function which in the end point.. converge at the that one purpose where all are linked in Harmony to Infinity…

The point at which all Emerged from…

Hence the code 6th sense Harmony full cirlce …

is the point of Symmetry… Perfection of Purpose and Function of the Sum of all the parts now conversged and moving as one perfectly oiled being..

A perfect representation of Its Creator…

686 Full Circle.

12:28 p.m.

1.47 a.m.

Speak up…

That was the cause of this mess of ages being afraid to speak your mind Nnamdi Noni Line….

1:48 a,m

Disgust and Contempt for this play…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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