
From Graca Pimentel II…G.P…S..II..

From Graca Pimentel II…G.P…S..II..

All about Sound Huh..

One can see where all this is going..

And how much the False Ego can do

in suppressing Universal Truths,

which if all knowledge was shared

would have enabled people to see the full picture…

Control was never the way for the people,

Self Control is a tool for the person…

Self Mastery..

Just received some intelligence reports

about the company Nestle…

And the code of poisoning water,

to control the entire world population.

Through Water symbolizing Emotions

Moving an entire world to be enslaved on a system

of Self Hate from Cradle to Grace

You will notice the code I posted on

Ady Stoian share…

The 5th Branch in the River which leads to the Garden of Eden..

Now observe how it aligns to the Intel..

Which came from Jonn Blackwell as usual, from out of the Blue..

Symbol of Water..

Which I call B’eau Ti! Full..

Earth=Circle Filled with Water..

Chalice- Holy Grail..

Adopting a positive view…

Nestle the Company Famous for making Chocolate C..

Deck 18 Mountain View…

The name means

Recorded as Ast, Nast (German) and Nestle (Swiss), this is a surname of ancient pre 7th century Germanic origins. It is or rather was, usually residential, and as such described either a person who lived in a forest or thickly wooded area, or in some cases was occupational for a forester or woodcutter. The words ast or nast literally mean branch (of a tree), although nast itself is a fused form of ein ast.

It also means;

to lie close and snug, like a bird in a nest; snuggle or cuddle.


to lie or be located in a sheltered spot; be naturally or pleasantly situated:

a cottage nestling in a pine grove.



to make or have a nest.

to make one’s home; settle in a home.

Cradle, Nest of Creation, the Chocolate people blamed for set up to take the fall for poisoning the worlds knowledge and their twin White Chocolate for manifesting it into physical Expression..

See the code equation posted of poisoning the Well Being of the World- Through Expression words, and those who keep knowledge meant to be shared to themselves..

Secrets which are used to create suspicion and cause Darkness that people can not see..

All True- but if we look at the equation, that the 5th branch leads to the Garden of Eden as well as the 4..

But in this Play 1 2 3 4 Dimensions of Being were infected by the Poison the water, and in the HI-story of the View of the World..

All were infected but not the E…

The 5th Branch…

7:12 p.m

Which in truth means nothing can really affect your Cee..

It is what people allowed to happen,

and did not say anything Cause it is not happening to me

Gravity is proven here as an illusion..

And Sound from the Silence

Breath OH Wind..

Defeats the Wall of Sound..

For there is something even greater than Sound..


Lyrical Conversation..

Equation affirmed

that tis this which effects physical reality

and defeats even the great wall of Sound.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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