
From Gay-Marie Hollingsworth.. G.M.H…

From Gay-Marie Hollingsworth.. G.M.H…

It must be Nourished… Beautiful Light Energy…called the seed of Harmony- called Naturalness- Being yourself

H.N..Which fueled by Awareness of Synchronicity Harmony,which moves brings you to E..Evolution.

H.N To E..

To forget that you have this Light which creates memory access, can send you out of Existence- since everything in Existence Creation has to be acknowledged.. and praised through Being Doing.. / Doing Being.. 2 4/ 4 2… 6/6…1 A 12..L…3 C…

To not acknowledge and to not nourish that E.Light is to send yourself out Existence while the Light which was in you remains…

it is the Eternal Constant, hence every Human Creation representing the 5th Element.. 5th Dimension…5=E can not afford to forget this light and call it by its name.

Being Clean… of mind spirit body being and expression…

This was your individual responsibility…

Not mine or anyones. which is why finding myself bound in bondage to play The Reminder.. and prove the E in you as a Truth was an outrage and against the Eternal Law..

3:06 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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