
From Gabriel Binky Signar

From Gabriel Binky Signar


G Black Sheep. Code aligned to Tree Sage and Liberty C Liscomb

7 aligned to leaving the Prism ( Prison)

And 8 Aligned to traveling through the Universal Hamonics of Space.

9 Pluto links to my travelling through Death Underworld Pluto.

Mer Sea

K.A.H 11. 1

B.A.H. 2 1

Link the 5 and 9 Aspects of the Soul in Ancient Egypt. Pyramids Triangle.. Cubes..


58 p.m.

See Sacred Portal

I traveled through The Dead Sea.. Space.

I saw everything occuring simultaneously.

As well The Original Earth as the Eternal Jardin de Paradise.


5:10 p.m.


Area 51.

E A.

5:11 p.m.

I am not sure, I wish to share here in detail, what I experienced remembered


But LIberty has a brief recording of my describing what I saw.

And how I knew it was a Universal Simulation Set up.

5:13 p.m

E.M…F A C T.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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