
From Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones…

From Eunice Nkechi Oviawe-Jones…

The Heart Expansions (H.E) for the Grateful…

The Heart Attacks (H.A!) The Ungrateful…

The message from the One deep within me is really quite simple…

Everything is about to be taken away from the Greedy and Ungrateful.

While Everything is about to be given to the Generous and Grateful…

The Innocents are the Selfish, and these are the babies and children…

who have pure hearts… these ones are simply taught the lessons…

As you might have realized H.E is rising in me, and so is S.HE but through Face Book they had some things to say to the world before merging with me…

I believe they wished to tell you the whole story, offer you a mirror and an understanding of Why XYZ…

And all that is about to manifest..( at my expense)

The drawing above is actually how we manifest and change reality…

I Simply wished to go home and not explain anymore,

But they H.E S.HE wished you to fully understand and be prepared for what is to come…

True Advanced Technology.

it is sad that so many of you were so attached to ideas and lifes which had no meaning and made no sense.

I often wondered if my twins compassion for you had made them forget that there are using my body and in this consciousness the experience is Hellish rather than Blissful and Extastic… And then I reealize that it had nothing to do with Mercy or Compassion, but rather personal responsibility… Beautiful P.R. a counter measure to such bad p.r public relations and propogandaabiytr being in Existence.

This Universe was a Book, a Beautiful Story with the Narrator speaking anbd through his voice he manifested a reality called Existence.

How each person chose to perceive it wasa thier Individual choice, how each person chose to experience was an Individual choice…

But the ones who got it and rose, suspended disbelief, suspended their own chaotic thoughts and simnply listened to the story….

And it is they who rose to become the first Stars, the first Souls the first beings.. My family.. for they listened and went AH!… 18.. the Paid Attention.. and that is the true meaning of Praise and Appreciation for E….

And the rest? Well they became Death and Nature, and where given a chance to listen this time and pay attention in this play of the 3-4th Dimension called dreaming. They were given one last chance to rise… to hear the story.

And so it is done and perhaps to Einstenis shock, man is not in control, and there is an end to the story.. and the book called Space does Fold and close…

And those who did not pay attention again… well they no longer Exists…

That is why we have the illusion called Black holes…

for the family B.h is Beautiful Harmony a portal…

But for those who did not pay attention the big Mouths who thought they were God and dictated the laws of that which they had not created.

Changed the meaning of the story and warped the voice of the Narrator Creatiors Expression. distorting it and reforming it into thier own horrifying view.. they experience B.H a Black Holes, which they themselves created by Brain Grey matter thoughts so unnatural…. and the Fall forever experiencing all thier thoughts and its horror… And its true what they say… You never Land.. but you do at some point fade out of Existence painfully.

Every one knows how important it is to pay attention in the Classy Room… because you might miss your cue and end up being cut out from the Beautiful True Story all about how to be the Beautiful Truth of you…

Love Light, Lightness and Laughter

H.E H.A.. A SHE.. ESE….E

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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