
From Esther Uzoma

From Esther Uzoma

Star of the Beautiful way


It’s the worst kind of Silence..

Not the quiet realization of being all alone.

But what that deafening.defining silence means.

Sometimes, the only way to deal with such a realization and not fall in that abyss of the Darkest Night of Hurt, is to find away to fill that gap with the expression of acknowledgement denied you, and fill it with what makes you rise From the implications of that Silence. Transforming it into sound and clarity so astounding. so irrefutable expression so Solid in its Manifestation that it astounds all to express what they should have expressed before..

And before they can turn to you and cheer, turn your back on them and disappear into the Truth you have managed to transform into Solid Fact.

And full circle, you have created a deeper, silence, a deeper Abyss of Silence than created for you.. so much deeper and more profound as they take in the implications of your Expression and Invention which the realize leaves with you.

I do not see that as a statement

Or Dramatic

Or revenge

Though it may be seen as all those things..

No I see, that as the only natural expression and action after such a cruel and malicious response.

10:33 p.m.

It’s the way to leave with no regrets, no anger, even a wonderful sense of lightness and liberation from that realm, world people you once wished to share all.

10:36 p.m

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