
From Eshe Chuki Asale… This is where the OINRI Igbo mission of bringing the Uwa people home aligns..

From Eshe Chuki Asale… This is where the OINRI Igbo mission of bringing the Uwa people home aligns..The meeting of the Cave men ( Those in the Dark, ignorant and in forgetfulness) and the Light Beings (Those who had memory) is the beginning of the Story of First contact and to bring the World People back to the Light of the Source- meant that that the original mission of the Blue Beings or the E.T H.beings was to Awaken the world to memory… Remembrance…Memory which is the true meaning of the play between the Cave dwellers and the Sky Dwellers…Merging to Cees-Sees into one..CC SS..O.8..O.H…A.E.H- H.E.A..Harmony Alpha Expression… Meaning that Harmony was the First Expression of Existence.. And thus, to not be of Aware and Conscious and Being Harmonious means that you do not exist…

The play of those who See and those who are Blind…

See Nenad M. Djurdjevic post on the Vatican City of Seers Prophecy on a Hill


Enugwu- Ukwu where my maternal line are from…

Where my family here are Seers and are gifted with Prophecy…


The Truth we came to reveal is that the Blind Cave men were not Blind, they were the Ore of the Beautiful Ones the C…The Bodies of which the Beautiful Ones would merge with, rise through transforming the Blind (As Yeshua Erie demonstrated…) to see and raising the Dead… And Walking on Water, turning water into wine..

All by the power of the See..

This was the Original mission of the OINRI Igbo people.. To be Guardians of the Consciousness of the Beautiful Ones from the Moon Consciousness of Luminosity- The Loom-in-us ones…And the mission..

Believe me, I know..

It had nothing to do with Racial Superiority…

It was a chess match…between Two Awarenesses

which had to merged and transform everything to ONE C..Consciousness…

Which is what has been done..

After all, these E.T Have literally physically and consciously arisen in me..

Who do you think I an really addressing and why I am solving riddles 24-7 on Face book of all places moving from one Home to the next…

Representing that original mission and one which I had memory of even beyond that, even beyond the E.T, even beyond the E.. Beyond Memory itself…

This is what I was challenged to prove by the Unseen Ancestors..

Memory Beyond Existence Beginning..

Within the Nothingess..

All this I was compelled moved to prove..

Ogemdinakachukwu Jasper Ahamefula.. It would be amazing if you shared on my page you knowledge of the ORB of NRI and its Legend…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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