
From Emeka Odiamma….

From Emeka Odiamma….

Was I not speaking about this code a moment ago…?


1-7 O-H…8 Harmony links you naturally to Infinity…I.

And so 1 is Red and White since they are the same thing, and White is 8..Oh!

and 7 is Violet and White and thus the same thing…

1-7 form a Full circle when linked, or they return to the beginning which has now expanded so never remains that same point yet it is all the same at the same time..

R.O.Y-G, G B.I.V. .. Roy 77..14 5..B..4-5

V.I.B.G.G-Y, O.R..K… 5-6 Blue..Evolution, 77..14..5…to the 5th Dimension YORK…N.E.W.S ..York…

Thus hooded being who holds the Two roses

is the Link and Transformer..


Beautiful Death.. B.D.. 24…X..(10…1O) 6 ..68…

E.H.F.. linked to Donna O’Sullivan and Jonn Blackwell


Truth is in Red and White…Read with Purity…

Exemplified by Johnny Larkin, Fey Mirach Ariane Oates amongst others…

This is how one escapes the Bubonic Plague planted by the E line.

a self destruct of those who refuse to Evolve and be as the Red rose.. those who Read..

And those who are Clean…White Rose..

But the entry into Varuna Assi.. V.A.. 221..The realm of the Being of the Universe B.U../ Universal Being, the city of Varanasi

Must be of the Red and the White in One.

Rosie…Rosy…Healthy.. Well Red and Clean…

Consequently Harmonious Naturally as well as with Conscious Awareness..

Oh Heart of Love and Being and Body in Clarity…

H.B…Harmonious Beings (Beautiful)

L.C..12 3…Loves Clarity..

This gets leads them directly to the Eternal City of Praise..

And only their Expression, can open up the gate..

Beautiful Expression of Praise of their experience of being in Existence Creation as representatives of the Consciousness of Existence the E.T.

As for the Bubonic plague

I have just received the affirmation through the Divine in Donna O’Sullivan

…E.B.V…E Blue V 5th Dimension

555… EEE..

And intelligent Virus which the bodies immune system can not detect, because it was designed not to detect it..

It is the Mole..

That E..I.Virus which activates at the Tailor of Panama

The Execution..

Recall how Jonn had landed on 5 43 Sacred Portal True Live

Santana every one saw represented Existential Death.. Sacred Portal 49..

the very bed I slept in at the Shelter…

before once more spending a couple of days at 2 68, then through the 54 The Bean cafe, meeting Joseph Carey..J.C.. linked to Bank 666..

collecting the Virus in from the bank and activating it through a computer bought by Jonn who chose it- A Blue Stream p.c.. DTS sound (Donald Trump Sound.. link the meaning of the name…)

Intel inside..

Meaning that at the same time raising the Eternal Truth line..

Also destroying the False and the Lie..

Santana Dharma, S.D/D.S.. means Eternal Law.. Order..Harmony..

And to break the Law here has consequences for the rest of your life.. it is on record..

Much less breaking the very laws which literal sustain your Existence…

The Natural consequence is that your Own Eternal Truth, your body mind, spirit, life Everything will rise up to conspire to get you out of Existence..

Link Red and White Cells, attacking anti-bodies in in your body

Have you ever wondered why there is some bacteria and virus and toxins the body does not attack.. And other ones, which it does..

And how it knows the difference and the Balance, when it has enough..?

Intelligent don’t you think..

Remember E Bola…?


Well this one, has been designed to no longer give warning..

It is the Grim Reaper..

See sacred portal 48.. Todays Date..


Deaths H.I…:)

6:36 p.m.

Certain ways of seeing and Being are going are about to become Extinct…


Trimming of the Hard..

Only those who Heard.. Hearkened to the Call, the Summons…

Evolution Awakening..

E.B.V… E.BB..V..

Ebbing…of the See..

Ocean Yam Death…

6:39 p.m


Fact C.I.

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