
From Emeka Kolo Albums…

From Emeka Kolo Albums…

Ah! See the Date I shared it…

I was at K.E.W Gardens..Queens..

Near the office of Go Antiques

Daniel Maman.. D.M…Delta Manor…

Go means 5 in Japanese…

April 29th…2013…

And it was liked by Lord Ye (Li)

and Joe Fisher…Link to Jade Ford..



16 16..

Prince Panther..

16=Letter P..

32 Bed 3002.. 32…5 Go..JA Pan..ESE..







And By One other…

Today is 11-11-9….

Code on Prince Panther arm was an Infinity / Mask…


And Four Lines 1111… I I I I …

4-29-2013 (33…Wink Prince Panther)


D.B IT..M….D Bit Me… yes he did…

D.B…42.. IT…920..M…Maniulation..See Sacred Portal M=13…

.See sacred portal 92.. I shared it yesterday…

I.T..M.D…IT M.D.. I True Manifest Destination..

D.M.T…I… DMT…is I.

Donna O’Sullivan saw Blue Beings…

The Blue in the Background is what Prince Panther-Courtney recalled perfectly… As you can see Court.N.E…Y..(Y=25th Letter 2+5=7..G…

Golden Dawn…

Zorro meaning..Eternal Hero of the Golden Dawn

Because Gold Yellow is third color in the Spectrum…

Turning the Cowards who are Chicken..

7:04 p.m..


There was a play last night where Dewight Smith made that gesture to me.. Sigh…

Yellow to Gold represents the 3 Color, and hence the 3rd Planet from the Sun… Earth…. And Letter C.. Courtney -Cecilia.. Chukwuemeka..

Evolution of Consciousness to La..The Golden State..California…

The 31st State…

See S.P 31…

*In 1849, Californians sought statehood and, after heated debate in the U.S. Congress arising out of the slavery issue, California entered the Union as a free, nonslavery state by the Compromise of 1850. California became the 31st state on September 9, 1850.


18=R…5=E.. R.E…

Robert Emeka..OBI…

Now lets measure the Dates From 4-29-2013…to 11-11-9…

*The total number of days between Monday, April 29th, 2013 and Friday, November 11th, 2016 is 1,292 days.

This is equal to 3 years, 6 months, and 13 days.

This does not include the end date, so it’s accurate if you’re measuring your age in days, or the total days between the start and end date. But if you want the duration of an event that includes both the starting date and the ending date, then it would actually be 1,293 days

12 92…L…I.B… L.I. B…E.R.T.Y…G

12 93…L..I.C…

L.L..I.I..B.C…1212…99….2 3… 24..X…6..F..18..R…9..i…23/32…5 5…5=E.


3 years 6 months 13..14 Days…



Nancy Mims..N.M…F.C… First Contact…36=9..I…Manifest Naturally…Nature

7:16 p.m.

G.P…God Power…

David Powers..

The Beloved Powers… Existence Universe World..Africa’s…U.W.A..Awareness…

7:18 p.m.


Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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