
From Elizabeth Clarizio…

From Elizabeth Clarizio…

H UES… Beautiful….

Anthony Bienke and I have 24 Mutual Facebook Friends… 24 X…

( Jace Horsford arrived and is here he is age 24… see sacred portal 24…i am 6 8/ 86…Fact.. Harmony… Harmony Fact …

See sacred portal 24…

And 86… Which to my disbelief played out to coffee cup 97.. Today with Hector of Bed 4-010… Instigated by the Evil Diseased 4-007… as the lie of Old Age… Allah God Existence… E…

Will tell later…)

H U E S…

Elizabeth Clarizio and I have 28 mutual Facebook friends…. 28…

Jamel was in bed 2-008… and is now in bed 5-003…

28.. 53…

Room 2 are for those who are ill or have serious disabilities…

( I with the most obviously dramatic condition did not qualify…)

I was informed by One whose Harmony has been proven over and over again….

That She ( S.H.E) knows exactly who I am, and that They have known for quite some time…

I paused…

But then I responded How I am to know that your Human Self in this Reality knows this, if you do not respond and reply in the manner of which a Human being in this Reality would respond if they knew that the The Creator is here in Earth…

The Head of the Eternal Ones, undercover in a Homeless Mental Health Shelter- a venue which reflects the Mental Illness excuse of the People who really there is nothing wrong with….?

8:03 pm




8:04 p.m

S P.. 84

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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