
From Edward Eceinco…

From Edward Eceinco…

A Beautiful Riddle…

Which I answered…

and he replied…I knew You would get!

I smiled at his response…

it was is the Literal Figurative story of my Life…

A woman came to consult Ifa, the Awo cast Ifa, happiness, sorrow, silence, he told her to come back in one month he was confused on an Oracle that never had spoken in confusion, he cast Ifa again silence, happiness, sorrow, he told her to come back again in one month(Moon), he cast Ifa again, this time sorrow, silence and happiness. He told her he can not understand her secret, she told him that if he would invite her for dinner she would reveal her secret, he complied. He went to hunt, saw a deer hit a painfull strike couldn’t resist the deers sorrow so cleaned the wound and set the deer free, then he saw a Boar and threw his spear no clean shot but the Boar was silent so he healed the Boat and set him free, he then saw a bird(Osoronga) even with the arrow pointing towards it, it sung happy songs, he couldn’t kill it and returned home with no meat. The woman was waiting he felt sorry he couldn’t bring any meat. She cooked him green and yellow peas with some edible roots. Awo said you make me dinner and I haven’t been able to help you. She said you have helped me I am Death, I was the deer you released from its sorrow, I was the Boar you released from its silence and I was the bird you could not stop its happiness. You have served the Oracle well and because of this all your children that wears your colors (green and yellow as the peas) I will not take until their life is completed. Aburu aboye abosise.


Transformation of Beautiful Death… the Truth…

Back into its True Beautiful Expression…

Happiness and Joy.



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