
From Doni Doni..

From Doni Doni..

5:10 p.m

I escorted Liberty C Liscomb to Bristol with Baby Jeron.

It was to replace her 24 49 phone which was misplaced.

We talked on the way about my descion today

which I was posting but hit contd to escort her to Bristol.

Once more there was a conversation two points of view of the Wreath.

I called it Death Symbol based on my experience of it,

She said, she did not see it that way but as The full circle.

5:15 p.m

We passed a House with two Wreaths: one on the Front Door: white and the other, on the side had a Crow.

5: 19 pm


Bed 5:019 Delta Manor Mental Health Homeless Shelter…

My First Bed as I have noted.

I have a Facenook Friend Marcus Stevenson who was wearing a red jersey with number 15.

The First Bed in the Shelter System at Green Point Assessment Shelter was bed 49.

I told her that she is also correct.

A wreath hangs on the door of her daugher Auriela’s room.

We drove and we parked infront of a place called Dunn Funeral Home.

D F H.

4 68.

Recall Jesse Maccias code Morning Star He Rises in the City which never sleeps

(Or something)


Golden Ratio..

G R.

Dunn: Tombstone seen by John Mack.

Dunne Rae at Jesse Macias under the small plate besides Spectrum Oil.

Dunn Liscomb .. Witnessed by Liberty at Yale Cemetey

And Dunn Liscomb witnessed by both of us

* White Car parked behind us.

And Dunn means Dark and Black

When I pointed it out, she acknowledged that I was correct yes again.

I said so was she .. it is also a full circle.

15 is letter O.

Red he was wearing red.

What you do today is

Determined or

Is in your Hands

For accuracy pls ask Liberty because this is what she saw when she came out of the phone company


She took a picture of me.

She went in again after waiting for her friend Holly for an arrangement which never came to pass.

Turns out we had made the journey for nothing relating to this 3rd World point of view.

But, to recieve this message.

I suppose, to all those still challenging and doubting how I read, translate and transcribe the C O D E S. P.

Of Death.

Cloak Of Death Expression Supreme.. Perfection.

I Smile..

I am the Dark Black D.U N N..

NN A.M. D.I.

I reached 14 49 Facebook Friends whole this was happening

Doni Doni..

D D. 4 4. Balance Jay B.E.

On the floor at my Feet Feat, I observed the word EARTH staring up at me, from Libertys spare shoes..

While I was posting this, she arrived a bit shaken by an image of the Skull and Bones.

5:43 p.m

A Skull in the Center. Of the X forming Bones.

And by the time we left, I was what I envisioned last night

14 50 Facebook Friends



The Matrix Triology

Now about to reach the 4th.

5:45 p.m

Full Circle

Original Earth




5:46 p.m

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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