
From DeLores Spratley

From DeLores Spratley

1161 Facebook Friend…

Code 07 23 61 Complete…

My Coffee here at Starbucks is 23…

I am aware that for the moment that most of you can not begin to even imagine what has just been linked…

Love Links…

In the post Klein Alicia..

E M E.. K A… 5 13 5 11 1… 8… H…

Or why all that Symmtery and posting was so important…

Truth Manifest does it not.. so it will begin to manifest every where in every dimension in your lifes.. dreams work place. inner world, homes. children, Everywhere in Nature, Animals.. on the News… Everywhere…

there is no belief required…

Just sit back and relax…

All I ask of you is to suspend disbelief…

Enter the realm of Imagination for moment at a time… and then look at what is happening in you lifes…

Just observe…

Dolores means Sorrow but remember that what you are about to experience too a life time of Sorrow.. of mine .. and all who came before me…

And through all those who walked the earth before adam…

the E.T….

Your True Ancestors who went deep undercover beyond the realm of your Wise Child whom you almost buried alive…

Please just watch…

Truth manifest and this moment took 4.5 billion years to reach you…

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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