
From Deanne Earl

From Deanne Earl

Yes, Its a Script…

But the courses, lessons within is are relevant…

Are they they True… no.

Was it real within the context of the Script… yes..

Real and relevant,everything which manifested in the collective consciousness of the world.

Meaning each idea or situation was Allowed to come into Existence within the Script…

The question say for instance of Evolution- It is Garbage Garb- Age in a sense because All Creatures have already evolved the moment they came into Existence.

Humanity already exists as E-Hue-mans…

This thing called Universe World is a story narrated in Hindsight of a story of How Everything came to be….

I would say H.I. School, University (H.U..Manity), rather than evolution persey, since everything is Evolving step by step to its Source Expression already in Existence but you can not see it because you are in the process of meeting your truest self in the True Present…

You are in the process of moving to your Highest Self- Supreme Self

This Process of weeding out, is there recognizing the truth of themselves, (yourselves) while Existing in a dimension unseen until…


Meaning the Line and thread since the beginning of this Human time line, is a play of the Original family of 1O 1O…1OX1O=1OO…

move through different versions of themselves, expanding out wards from 1OO to…7-8 Billion…But not all have retained the original version, of the line, and consequently, these lines of the branches of the family tree are cut off..

They are not real..

One might say this was a process of diversification and expansion of the original intention or expression of the First Family sources of Humanity- the Carbon Imprint of the Original Ancestors..

Humanity were allowed to expand diversify and explore all possibility of Being. Then they would chose a Nature and settle there..

The Originals would then energetically walk through the Human Portals of their Avatars-Descent yet they can only pass through the portals of which their descendants have retained the original vibration expression of theer foundational self …And purpose…having fullfiled a predesignated role which links the meaning of that line in a consintency akin to a relay race.

The person is unaware that they are being moved by their Original Self

such as this play on my face book page has demonstrated.

Each descendant Avatar- is free to interpret their role in which every way they choose, and of course are completely unaware that they are being moved or in a play…

Until now because we have finally moved to the point of the two extremes..

Transformation or Extinction..

Transformation back into our true Identities…

Each persons or descendant, creates from the Original template handed down to him or her through the Genes and consequent mind mapping and behavioral patterns- to create their own version and interpretation of the lives they find themselves living…

Tis their choices of how they choose to perceive and respond to the Play becomes the deciding factor of whether they have expanded upon the Original lines meaning for coming into this World Play of understanding how they the Originals came to be…

Will be determined by how easily the Elemental Ethereal ones can pass through you on their way Home or back to themselves in say, what Humanity calls the Future, but which we call the Present, the Always Present, the Eternally Present…Your Truth..

If they can not pass through the line of you right to you the anchor because you are the one present in this Momentous occasion, of the Original Rising and Waking through all their Avatars, moving through the ones who remained true and transforming thier Ethereal Beings and Elemental Bodies as they Pass Through…

And of course, when the Originals reach the end, their selves in the True present, then with all the knowledge they had gathered through the Human time line, they rise from the E dimension and materialize here through all their Avatars now transformed into the Family line of E made solid and real..A Fact.

While others who the Original reject, as having no thread of their Truth, their Vibration, their Expression…and have not added anything to their original D.n.a blue print, and went as far as to negate and even destroy the composition of that line up… Such beings were fought for by the Originals (To my annoyance and wrath), because they were convinced they could save such persons..see the potential for that portal to open, when I personally already knew that these beings were not real- just a by product of the play of allowing ALL possibilities and potential to manifest in order for the Originals and all their descendants and Avatars, discern what is Truth and what is a lie….of themselves…

All based on Expression..

What did each persons Expression, Indention onto Elemental and Ethereal Existence, the Magic Mirror called the World and its Stage, will manifest that Expression into your life, to correct, reject, refine or deny..

The choice is your to recognize how each expression manifest your expression as being in Harmony and so precise of Clear the image it forms appears in a person in your life whose portal you pass through- yes passing through your literal Reflection Contemplations Expressions and Thoughts…

The Originals pass through you on their way home from their voyage and adventure, and if they align with you, then you too, will in turn mimic their process, passing through all the versions of you and be given a chance to correct and refine expressions which you might consciously recognize and correct, or simply do it naturally…Harmoniously.. without even being aware but perhaps only in Hindsight of the consequent outcome.

The Supremes , represent those who can do this both Harmoniously and Consciously at the same to, while being natural the whole time..

Which comes from those who are true to their most cherished self, being the enjoyment of giving others pleasure.. simply seeing people smile or raised spirits, have given them fuel to Fly…

Which means Self Love, and when you love your self, you are inspired to better yourself, reach for the best part of you to rise and know and recognize that this person you seek to be…is finally the person you have become..and now are..

These are the lines of the Supremes, closest to the O line, the Originals…

The Sources of the Original is the One who is Two..12…L..(A.B) C

Loves Consciousness the C…

12 3..1 2..3…L.C..AB.C…2 C=O…L.A..B.O!

La! is the 6th Note, and is 12 1…One to One..a conversation touch contact making love, sex..one on one

12+1= 13…M…Manifestation…B is Being.. Bee!


Manifest Being of the Source O…

O.BA..(King) source of Individuality…

Awakening All to Be, through 6th Sense to Solid Reasoning and Fact of their True Identities held in trust, by the Originals until the mission required of each was complete, literally played out at night (an day) when the descendants sleep.


Wadjet- Eye Of Horus…W.E. O.H…(O.8)

The name Wadjet[5] is derived from the term for the symbol of her domain, Lower Egypt, the papyrus.[6]

Her name means papyrus-colored one,[7] as wadj is the ancient Egyptian word for the color green (in reference to the color of the papyrus plant) and the et is an indication of her gender. Its hieroglyphs differ from those of the Green Crown (Red Crown) of Lower Egypt only by the determinative, which in the case of the crown was a picture of the Green Crown[8] and, in the case of the goddess, a rearing cobra.

See sacred Portal 11…

Wadjet Contd.

As the patron goddess, she was associated with the land and depicted as a snake-headed woman or a snake—usually an Egyptian cobra, a venomous snake common to the region; sometimes she was depicted as a woman with two snake heads and, at other times, a snake with a woman’s head. Her oracle was in the renowned temple in Per-Wadjet that was dedicated to her worship and gave the city its name. This oracle may have been the source for the oracular tradition that spread to Greece from Egypt.[4]

The Going Forth of Wadjet was celebrated on December 25 with chants and songs. An annual festival held in the city celebrated Wadjet on April 21. Other important dates for special worship of her were June 21, the Summer Solstice, and March 14. She also was assigned the fifth hour of the fifth day of the moon.

Please note the dates 25th Dec..Mary ad Christ, Spring Solstice- (Transformation), June 21… Summer Solstice…March 14…3-14..C.N

(Consciousness Naturalness..N=14..1+4=5..E),

Fifth Hour, Fifth Day…FH..F.D…86, 64…FF.H.D…66..84… 55

See sacred portal 55..Emme’ Family arriving from the Back..story..


Wadjet was closely associated in the Egyptian pantheon with the Eye of Ra, a powerful protective deity. The hieroglyph for her eye is shown below; sometimes two are shown in the sky of religious images. Per-Wadjet also contained a sanctuary of Horus, the child of the sun deity who would be interpreted to represent the pharaoh. Much later, Wadjet became associated with Isis as well as with many other deities.

On the wall of the Hatshepsut Temple at Luxor, there are two images of Wadjet: one of her as the uraeus sun disk with her head through an ankh and another where she precedes a Horus hawk wearing the double crown of united Egypt, representing the pharaoh whom she protects.

See Donna O’Sullivan share on my Time line and observe sacred portal 9 and 4…

And 11 Representing K.

5:O4 p.m.

The Point was not that we are in a Script, but why are we in a Script,

and what does the Script Say…

A Script is a Vehicle for a Movie…

is it not…?

Hence we are in a Movie..

And what is the Movie about?

Based on a life time of reading this Script,

and 46 months of posting what I can see and read

Its a Movie about the Evolution Awakening…

or better still the Story of the Long Journey Home…

5;O8 p,m

To the Birth place of the Species Homme Femme..

The Beautiful First Borns of True Existence

5:O9 pm..



Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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