
From Dawn Piercy

From Dawn Piercy

I am amazed by those mocking this is without first investigating it

just as I am amazed by those calling it God without first having some evidence…

What I see is a being projected onto a viewing screen on a Universal Simulation onto the awareness of people on Earth-

Alabama is the 22nd State 22=Letter V.

Montgomery Alabama …


Alabama ALA B AM A… Bam El Lobo Vega

Here we rest and To Gather to Clear

Mont Gomery means

of Old French origin, and the meaning of Montgomery is Gomeric’s hill. Gomeric was a German personal name meaning power of man.

This was uploaded on the 5th..


Replying to someone who wrote on the post, Solo Dolo wrote: ‘Can’t tell me my God ain’t real! Thank you God for using Lisa StandAlone Baker to reveal this to me. Too see this is to believe this.’

Solo Dolo… my name is Kolo…

Lisa Standalone Baker…. L ( S A) B… L B../ B L…


B L…

Solo and Dolo means to stand alone…

Lisa Baker…. Her friend goes by the code B L.. U E.. As well as Stand Alone…

(my link Barbara Baker B B)

I am not surprised that Dawn Piercy is the one who shared this on 7-11-2018.

I was waiting for something once I realized the Line Kyle Murphy was used to represent was the last Cog in the wheel of this 29 year play linked to 1988 to 1992 when I went home..the the Famed Bright Shinning of Light..

You must admit- for a Show of a Universal Simulation Awareness U S A… Alabama being the state Axel Love ( Axel Anderson A-A is from… A-A Link Ashely AYEJAE whom I spoke with today A-A… Phoenix Rising from the Ashes… And me with my Phoenix Tatoo and the ashes my name and life was reduced to…

And the Double headed Phoenix of the Free Mason..

My Stand 147 A.B. Sacred Portal…

The Expresson of Anthony Bienke …

the code of Cloud 9…

Neil Furby

The code I have been programing on the Universal Simulation…

The set up and dialogue recorded by SoloDolo…The Opening in the Cloud..711…whenit reached us…

The test of the 400 usd ..1988-1992… 4… me at Delta…

Whose Got the Power

David Powers…D P…

Sacred Portal 42…OHM.. Power…

Isabelle Ilic then here dream..the codes 4 and 7… OHM HOM HOME…

My post today recountiing yet again the movie in the clouds which Fritz Venneiq and I saw in 2010…

plus the landing of the family as Swirld of Light and then the 7 year journey Rainbow of completing the Embodiment and re-enactment of their moving through all the Elected and then Qualifed human Avatars and Descendants…

All the evidence on my page….

That this makes a pretty darn convincing case of my page and my coding on the Universal Matrix – the code and key words ( 6.6.. and 29 years of writing non stop) of my having opened up the portal so you could see my Reflection…

I am just saying….

22 V… LATOYA… Then the 43 year old who gave me usd and then 1..

E=CMe 4/3…

Anyway, I am just saying…

But just in case after this more and more intel start flooding in that I am correct make no mistake that the B.M.. the Big Mouths who did not investigate and all those who thought I was so meek because I was obeying my Father- Brothersscript…

I never forget… nor do I or will I Show mercy after all I endured for 29 years… the insult.

The popular belief that Alabama signifies Here We Rest stems from an etymology given wide currency in the 1850s through the writings of Alexander Beauford Meek. However, the first known use of this derivation appeared earlier in an unsigned article in a July 27, 1842, issue of the Jacksonville Republican. Experts in the Muskogee dialect have been unable to find any word or phrase similar to Alabama with the meaning Here We Rest.

According to some investigations, the tribal name Alabama must be sought in the Choctaw tongue, as it is not uncommon for tribes to accept a name given them by a neighboring tribe. Inquiry among the early Indians themselves appears to have yielded no information about the meaning of the word. The Rev. Allen Wright, a Choctaw scholar, translated the name as thicket clearers, compounded of Alba meaning a thick or mass vegetation, and amo meaning to clear, to collect, to gather up.

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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