
From David Powers.

From David Powers.

5:29 p.m.

I.am not sure where to even start with the Harmony of this post, so I will just start from where it is anchored.

Right here in the present.

And the present is linking my own last post,

Busayo Alonge posts and my liking it with the thread represented by Stephen Filgueira

Anastasia Hart


Rebirth of the Heart.

Harmonies Art.

Rebirth Erection Regeneration.

What I had just woven was that I am now at Connecticut and I posted my Awareness of where I am in the Hologram.

I posted that I am at the correct version of A.H.

Anastasia Hart

Hartford Connecticut.

5th State


And that I saw in the Hologram around me, that I could see the place called the Sphinx Shriners and that the Motel is is owned by A Hindu American who connected to Stephen through Ganesh and Hanuman

G H.

H G.

8 7.

The Sphinx is in Egypt Arabia

And India Hindu..


Both are venues were the concept of Zero was invented which we all know that there is no such thing as zero- that it was created to have a foundation for mathematics calculus


And that until the the Zero was conquered by proving the True meaning of Zero which is The Fill Circle that the portal of Death and this Hologram would not open.

And this reality would though a lie, would be sustained until the Truth could replace it.

And that after a grand total of 29 months ..

Yes 29 at what was meant to be ny.last move through this house of Cards in New York.

56th place I had to stay, reside in.

It represented the Human translation of a Black Hole. That which drains, you and takes all the Light out of Stars or anything which comes near its gravitational pull..

And this is what I endured..

And had to navigate my way out of through a play in which I was not allowed to leave of my free will, except if I gave up on my truth and my presentation and demonstration to the World.

This was the place and Venue in which I had to battle the idea of the Black Hole.


2 8.

See sacred portal 66.

To Prove that there is no such thing as the manifest Idea of a Black Hole, Death Eaters..

D.E..4 5

Or Zero.. or a person given the role of a Zero to play.

And of A-Z E.R.O.

The End.

Your born and you die that is it.


I had to prove the Circle Of One.

A Fact.

And that the full Circle represented as

And the A-Z-A.

1-27.. A. B G…. Alpha was Is Blue Green

4th 5th Color

1-12 Jan to Dec is


13 Astrological Horoscope. A.H.

Ophiuchus Aclepius. O A


This is my 57th Portal in New York in 17.8 yrs and 11 days since my arrival.

5:57…58 p.m

Right now.

See sacred portal 57 and 75..

12 12..24. X… 6..F.

7 Continents and 5 Seas.

Solfeggio Expression

Spectrum Rainbows Expression

Panera is also outside my door.

Pan Era..

E P.A.N E. R.A.

Portal out of Death..

An illusion

The Black Hole is really a passage of


Harmonious Being Full Circle

And that it is a passage way.

Now observe the image of David posts.

The Serpent Figures a great deal in this story.

It’s is the Symbol of Aclepius which is a Man with twin serpents copied around the Sword of Truth.

The Black Hole is really then Tunnel.of Love.

6:12 p.m.


F L O W.

I am.sitting here in the car for over an hour waiting for Stephen to appear.

He is speaking to friends L.J.

12 10..

Recall Lisa Nathalie Johnson

John Lucifer

J is 10. L is 12.. 22..V. Victor Victorious

J L.

Jump Leap Victorious

1O 12.. 13 O.

See the play of Sacred Portal 13 O ..

13th Gate.

See my scared porral.13..

Liked by Anastasia Hart.



13th Gate Full Circle

So what am I doing sitting in a car waiting, as I have observed the play of my.beung made to wait all do as if some force is seeking to provoke me.

When I.am the 13 gate Full Circle O.

O=15.. 6 F

I am the Original Stephen Filgueira.


Masculine Feminine.

M F.. 13 6. 19 .


Going once more into the past.

6:20 p.m

It is as if there is an.energy of such Rage Anger Hate ..

R A.H…Provoking me constantly so that In would loose my cool Kool..

Sending me back into a Viscious Cycle and an insult of constant denial of Source E

White Supremacist

Black Supremacist

Arabic Hindu

I do not require people’s permission or approval to be granted my I.D.

But this is what this play is all about as far as In can see..

Direct provocation and expression negating silently and verbally the Truth of who I am

No, I am.aware..

Dear Lord.. yes..

I wonder where is the manifest power which has held back the fury of.my rage.

6:26 p.m

But it is present but it comes too late

Original Facebook Post: Click Here

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