
From Dana Hawkins – D.H. – That

From Dana Hawkins


That was a big problem and the basis of my own life work and Story. To develop a language to see what others can not see…
And then refused to perceive.

It my case it took me 29 + years and 21 years in the U.SA and the Facebook adventure of constant confrontation and the nonsensical minds of people who prefer to simply say no.

4:43 pm.

It was not for such persons that I was was led to such a mission it was to share another manner of perceiving reality which made Unseen seen.

I never paid much mind to such beings, they are a dime a dozen in the reality of the closed mindedness of many of this realm.

The point was to simply show another way of perception and that is what I have done in my own unique way.

4:49 pm

The rest…?

I can not take such creatures seriously
Who used this realms modus operandi of tearing others Expression down to feel that their impression and Truth Matter at all.

The Truth is that this was a play Script of Building Blacks-B
L.OC.KS,..K E Y S, not of Jealousy Competition or plays of Deception Lies pretending to be Truth.

The point was to get to the end point of the building blocks A.B.C.

To Z and A.
To A- A. B B. C C. I.A. A-E.


Not even about The Source.

But Individuals.
Individual Perfection
Via Individual Perception
Of The Truth Supreme.

The people one I was meant to reach have all been reached and they have gained or added to their awareness.

Knowledge to Knowing and allowed to do it in whatever way they wished to.
Even Privatly.

The rest is no great concern to me.

4:56 pm

Nor should they be any concern to you.

4:57 p.m.

Original Facebook Post URL: Click Here

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