
From Dana Hawkins

From Dana Hawkins

10-10-2018 @ 9:29 p.m.



Angela Marie Alexander…

and I.

D.I.A… Meaning ‘Day

N NA… Meaning Father

Day of Father…


I Know What Love Is..

I K W L I.

It is the Ability to Cee… to be Cosciousnes, Full Circle.

It Percieves everything and knows the difference between True Love ( T L 20 12.. 32… 5…. Which all my personal script has responded to and has been proven in this challenge of a playing Field which i have been on since January 1st 2012.

6.10 years now…and 13 Days.

The code Renee my case worker was given to access my passport application is 6010… 610… 61 days in the simulation of the abyss as the streets of New York which led me to Generation X Gardens,

and that was in 2006.

The challenge lasted 12 years ( to my utter disbelief)

Nor was I made aware what the challenege was even about ( though I did suspect but could not come to a conclusion until I fianlly amased enough evidence and data)

The challenge of what is this Thing called Love….

And how could people say they Love, or that God is Love

when they do not even know what Love is.

1;20 a.m.

Dianah Cupid Eros…

C-Up I.D E Rose..

Dia nna Cupid Eros

D C E….

Where HE as S.HE lady Echo His Expression

Indendently She Listen to the Expression Sum wand without knowing Its Source shoots her Arrow which indicates the Source and her Creator…

For She knows that Love’s origin and elder TwiN Doppleganger is


Let me hear the sum total of all Expression of Everyone in Creation Expressing, and I will show you the one who is True Love…

Is the on who Clarifies the Way..

That Love is not Sex Desire or Light..

It is Clarity expressed and shared which manifests literally for each to see for themselves- Instant Manifestaion

Harmony.. Infinity is Harmonious Manifestion from Eternity Ether Energy Matter Solid….

1;30 pm

All rising from Expression seemingly from out of the Blue..

The same place were E ROS Rose..

As Eternal Orde, Truth Logos


1:32 p.m.

1.32 In coins fell out of my small pouch…

See sacred portal 132.. She Rised from he..

Ah Isabelle Ilic just appeared linking something..

Get the Picture…?

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