
From DA-RIEN. S.H.E-A. – Our Fa

From DA-RIEN. S.H.E-A. – Our Fa

From DA-RIEN. S.H.E-A.

Our Father House.

O F H… Yes the 68 my Heater turned onto yesterday night from 86… from a acciental jerk reaction from my Left Foot.

L F…
Love Frequency.
Lights Frequency.
5-28 Hertz.

L F- F L…
Hint, Hinit…. smh

D A “Rien” means “Nothing” in French.

Nothing was wrong.

S..HE…85 is “AWAKENING” see birth code Thomas Lang bio father of Jeron.
and see who is A.

11:03 pm.

I understand 105 Wilt Shire bay was our Bio Fathers House in 1975.
But who really owns a house if not the Landlord of Everything.
E D… Emeka David. Emeka Nnamdi. E D E N…
Chuwkwu Emeka David Emeka Nnamdi.. C E D E N….

It means “The Upreme Being”
“Paradise The Creator. “Emeka” E R I C- The Eternal ruler is here present Emmanual! “N My Father is Here Present.
All-Father Everything.
A F E/ E F.. A!

Our Father House.
Father Of Infinity.

F.. O I. A M.
Eternal Knowing

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