
From Crystal Van-hoozer

From Crystal Van-hoozer

C V H.

I do not believe in this concept of Rock Bottom- but rather that Rock Solid foundation of ones truth, unmoved no matter which circumstances you are thrown in.

There is a sickness in this world which focuses to much attention on suffering misery, aloneness of reaching the Top or the Botom.. position.

I am not at rock bottom just because of having money, position or success as defined by an insane world- I am just irritated with this need in the world script to have to prove anything.

I am here solid as a rock with Kim

E K…

Emeka Kolo

E K.

C K and with Jae Sherman J S.

PT SD is what I had been called to proof here.

Not heal peoples trauma,

PT Perfect Timing

S D Santana Dharma…

Perfect Timing is Eternal Law.

1:19 pm

A S.


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